Elude the causes and deceives the fans. Other that affair of the heart. Nothing but redemption and pride. The question mark is only a grain, the proprietor Salernitana (?) Football 1919 (?). Before 2005 all'Arechi had never seen. It was not a fan of Salerno. Imagine how much energy can never deeply for his rebirth, he pulls the belt in every economic transaction, which in recent times is not going bad. The ranking is what it is. The market continues in the usual logic. Sometimes almost ridiculous. He knows something Spinesi, his wife and his alleged lack of willingness to work. At the gates, timelines, games, projects, finance, balance. We bring you the fans as well, contributing to this chaos by letting infervorare one, single issue: the return of Salerno.
The obstacle of obstacles, the proprietor, was January 19. He likes to appear. He likes the carousel, the microphones, the contact with people (but with one that's forgiving). As the hunt thumbs up under the curve at the fifth auction deserted after the prayers on the hippocampus? The next hurdle was jumped on Monday. Needed a "card" certifying the commitment. Some purchase and rooted appreciation for the false history that he had saved the city in football would do the rest.
This "paper", this time, could not have the same connotations of that this summer. Even then, the obstacle was the date of auction. Even then it was necessary to find a loophole to get around his promise to (his) fans on the mark, where it acquired the Series B. Taking advantage of impunity that guaranteed compact information at his side, announced loudly that he launched the decisive attack. But something went wrong. Michele Spiezia, the journalist more knowledgeable about each other, touched him scoop. Unveiled for the first offer was to remove the causes. The next day was threatened with a lawsuit. Even later, to defend themselves, he published the document. Frittata made and a long nose like Pinocchio. Spiezia took pity not to continue, not to move from the city ... the city itself a lie that should have cost the man's credibility proprietor. He merely reveal the offer. Offer yes, but do I say. The proprietor put on the scales hundred thousand euro. On the other side, Salernitana had asked him (jointly) 25 million. In sporadic reader considerations about the seriousness of the proposal. On how much he really intended to free Salernitana and how to pull the wool over the eyes of the fans. The equivocal
transaction manc'a say, was rejected. Today it could not reproduce. They needed a ploy. The only one that can reconcile the need not to make missteps in court and on the revival of the propaganda team was to offer staff. It 'been him in person to apply for ownership of the trademark. Again, ask you to say. In the offer, caution (not to buy) è data dalla scadenza: 30 giorni. Il curatore Nigro, tempo addietro, ha fissato due date d'asta, una per il 19 gennaio, l'altra per il 16 marzo. La ragione della scelta, per espressa ammissione del curatore stesso, è evidente: sotto quella cifra non si scende, almeno fino a seconda asta deserta. Anche si scendesse, la cifra proposta è meno della metà della base di partenza, già di per sé meno della metà della stima del perito. Se l'institore avesse davvero avuto intenzione di comprare, avrebbe prolungato la sua offerta a dopo questa data, rimpinguando la somma. Ma non l'ha fatto. Il suo intento principale sembra essere quello di apparire sensibile. Di far ricadere colpe e responsabilità sulla curatela. Pare ci stia riuscendo this time too. It is not a genius, are the fans who continue to have faith.
Curation not accept. Not even if they do anything this time and risks of novantenario Salernitana without (or with a Salernitana (?) That is involved with it) grow. In every respect it is fortunate. The only advantage would be the unification of the fans grenade (or purple?) With those few remaining fans of Salernitana Sport. But there is more and more serious. Accept the offer in this way, as pointed out by Spiezia, would this person find his feet after a evenuale and hypothetical failure of his company. How many times have we said and heard that Salerno Salerno is the? With this bold move, the team of our fathers could become a private affair of the Valais. Worth more confidence?
Curation not accept. Not even if they do anything this time and risks of novantenario Salernitana without (or with a Salernitana (?) That is involved with it) grow. In every respect it is fortunate. The only advantage would be the unification of the fans grenade (or purple?) With those few remaining fans of Salernitana Sport. But there is more and more serious. Accept the offer in this way, as pointed out by Spiezia, would this person find his feet after a evenuale and hypothetical failure of his company. How many times have we said and heard that Salerno Salerno is the? With this bold move, the team of our fathers could become a private affair of the Valais. Worth more confidence?