Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Retinal Detachment Rollercoaster

Panem et circenses

With these words, was made public that Salerno is no longer a prisoner of the court. Today it is regarded as the consideration for the personal profit of those who, for many, should leave. This statement proves no exception. Only the burden of gratitude for having saved the false history of football in town removes weight to their severity. The management of Valais, Cassino and Rome is not limited to exploit the emotional heritage of Salerno. Today, announcing in a loud voice to make the gains to its rebirth. All this in public, in front of microphones, notebooks, which means an ear feel and almost complete lack of indignation.
Fabiani, who was sentenced to four-year suspension for preferential relations with the umpires, allowed herself to escape the private dell'institore outbursts on TV today. Murolo to Telecolore, making absurd claims to the bass drum during an interview: if the city does not help them, "could lose their appetite." The aid is not required to Salernitana (?) Football 1919 (?), But to a different subject, see the cases to be all'institore. The smoke screen is the need of training facilities. Well said, if it were Salernitana (?) Football 1919 (?) In capitalization, it was capitalized at Salernitana Castelrovere. But it is not so. In unidentified fax sent to the City, the proprietor took the twisting of zoning and shoreline for the construction of an amphitheater, training camps and a hotel for their own pockets, all with sea views and good links. Fortunately, the nearest dominates them. This request was from waste paper from the header. A De Luca was grinning almost soon after declared that there was no respect for each procedure, the proprietor had not even considered to be sufficient on its sole authority of "union" of manufacturers and an employee of a football club to ask for and receive. Absurdly unlikely event, and only absurd, it was accepted, Salernitana (?) Football 1919(?) avrebbe semplicemente cambiato padrone di casa: dal Comune all'institore. Il quale ultimo, a sua volta, avrebbe invece dato una scossa economica alla sua vita grazie all'aiuto proprio del Comune, cioè di tutti noi salernitani. La sua azienda di costruzioni, della quale fa vanto coi numerosi cartelloni allo stadio, ha dichiarato nell'ultimo bilancio meno di ventitremila euro di utile, cioè meno di duemila euro al mese, nemmeno cinquanta milioni di lire. Quanto gli avrebbe fatto comodo un albergo? E la gestione pluriennale dell'Arechi? Il tanto altro che ci sarebbe da chiedersi non rientra nella competenza di questo movimento. Nella quale a pieno titolo si colloca la denuncia di quest'intrico di pretese con al centro il nostro marchio, like any other investigation on the exclusion of Salerno. The dry
refusal of the mayor on one side has reduced the caliber of character proprietor, the other has caused a rift in the relationship, so to speak, "unilateral." Most citizens have diplomatically stated that nothing has changed and apparently also had been, he would not have made a frown. The proprietor has run ended in a very long silence, very sharp with presenteeism constant than before. The lethargy was abruptly interrupted by the need to curb the excessive clarity Murolo in an interview with TV Lyra, during which, moreover, denied the blackmail to the City without the journalist had used this word. To convince you that he had not suffered, he had to attend a conference with the mayor on scamming the elderly. Comedian. A few years ago, the proprietor, knocked on the door, you did give the design of the hippocampus from the nonagenarian widow of Master D'Alma. Just in July, from the pages of Chronicles, the daughter of the master called the incident a "scripted". In his speaking, his elderly mother had not "perfectly clear picture of the situation." Dell'Arechi desertion is the only solution for those who really wants back the U.S. Salernitana Sport Salernitana then. A strong piece of his past is off. Miguel Vitulano the heartfelt memories of every heart grenade.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Quadruple William Rogers

Festeggeranno i novant'anni con la palla di pezza

What's new, nothing new. Continued silence dell'institore, who suffers from lack of love for the microphone, but even more because of the lack of the hoped for advantage: Contracts. De Luca was clear, "only serious projects." According to the mayor his were not.
The proprietor is silent, but the newspapers come out every day. Who writes them, the first board always enjoyed a thriving statements by the self-styled President, is now forced to fill them with words of others. Yesterday Murolo, somber today, the lawyer for Salernitana (?) Football 1919 (?). Thomas D'Angelo, who knows a lot, shoot the front page of the interview on the only legal issue that is in grado di accendere gli animi, la Salernitana Sport.
Il sedici marzo ci sarà la settima asta per liberare la Salernitana, che andrà certamente e puntualente deserta. Questa data è interlocutoria. Dopo, giudice e curatela saranno costretti a compiere il passo successivo, dopo mesi di stanca. Da un lato potrebbero decidere di non mettere più il marchio all'asta nell'immediato. Il liquidatore Opromolla, a questo proposito, è sempre stato chiaro: non c'è fretta, non c'è alcuna necessità di chiudere subito il fallimento. Dall'altro lato, potrebbero decidere di continuare così. In tal caso abbasseranno la cifra. Col prezzo che scende e il tempo che passa, rilanciare restituirebbe con buone probabilità la Salernitana prima del giorno del novantenario. L'offerta personale, eludendo le cause, lo consentirebbe ("Le cause? Sarebbe stato il rischio minore", ammette Malinconico). Ma pare che proprio chi fa propaganda sul ritorno della Salernitana non ne voglia sapere. L'institore vuole ed ama la sua Salernitana(?), non la nostra. Malinconico (mai nome fu più consono alla vicenda!) ha dichiarato che "per l'ippocampo non ci saranno altri rilanci" (oggi su Cronache). L'ha fatto con largo anticipo, perché nel tifoso si radichi la convinzione che l'offerta è congrua e che la colpa è della curatela. "In questa vicenda abbiamo fatto importanti passi in avanti, mentre da parte della curatela non c'è stata nessuna apertura". Nel virgolettato, l'avvocato dell'institore sbaglia due volte su atti da lui stesso redatti ed in una vicenda che lo vede rappresentante. Prima dice che "rispetto alla prima proposta c'è un incremento dell'ottanta per cento. Siamo passati da ottantamila a centomila euro più iva". L'aumento è stato da centomila euro a centosessantamila più iva. Poi, che "dopo due aste deserte si poteva anche pensare di prendere in considerazione una proposta che credo ragionevole". Le aste deserte, o le offese alla Salernitana che dir si voglia, sono già sei. La settima è in programma il prossimo mese. L'ottava occasione, senza limiti alla vergogna, è rimandata alla festa di giugno. Cronache informa che la Salernitana(?) Calcio 1919(?) celebrate novantenario Salernitana. Celebrate the anniversary of the same team against which it defends itself in court, arguing that other and different. The same team that has contributed significantly to delete, undermined. In the same team which continues to use idendità impunity, enjoying the fruits without batting box. It seems shameful that the commemoration will materialize in a commemorative jersey. The only event of Salerno is the proprietor could celebrate his funeral. But perhaps it will not have time.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

How To Fix The Lever On An Ironing Board

Addio Troisi, unico salvatore della Salernitana

The news saddened. In a time when so superficial you assign undeserved licenses "Saviors of football at Salerno", remember those who did not live that period (or, quite rightly forgotten ...) that Filippo Troisi is full the only real savior of Salerno.
It 'hard to tell who has lived the character. Troisi headed the "Group of Pontecagnano," a group of small businessmen fans Salernitana Sport. He tried unsuccessfully in 1980 along with his friends to avoid the loss of the park when the team and players, overwhelmed by debt, was left adrift by the band Ventura & Co. (run away with the loot), although not a manager, assured, putting hands in their pockets (non-repayable) a small contribution to the players for months without pay. He followed the team everywhere and even paid bonuses for victories.
the summer of 1980 he managed to scrape together nearly one hundred million in the form of cash, bills and checks (all honored), to pay the players and the last minute to include the '80-'81 team to the championship (in photos, training for the season). He put up due to loans to young people from dall'Avellino (Toil, Venus, Black) and the careful recruitment drive (Zaccaro, Del Favero, Vulpiani, Lecce) a team, headed by the young Leonardo, he dreamed up to 23 November 1980. After that date, so many difficulties (Earthquake, banned for six months of the dress, the death of Dr. Tescione) managed to end the season with a salvation came in the final race of Terni. The following year, reinforced the team decided to prosecute the Serie B. After so many years dreaming of a promotion that we could finally escaped Giulianova in the last races of the season. Even a year later, with Lojacono on the bench, he set up a good team who unfortunately did not keep the premises the day before. Troisi went away when the football started to change. In 1983 he left the presidency of Antonio Scermino.
seems that Salerno (?) Football 1919 (?) On Sunday asked to play with the mourning on the arm. Troisi who is remembered as leader Sports Salerno is right and proper. However, if you want to remember as the former president of the team of Salerno, then we fall into bad taste, taking advantage of the emotions of the moment.
famous anecdote which amused the President himself. When to replace Giammarinaro, Romano was hired Matt, the new coach came in Trois: "pleasure, Matt Romano." Troisi said confidently: "pleasure, Troisi Pontecagnano. Hello President, we'll miss you ...