Fulvio De Maio, the main sponsor of the primacy of training camps on the mark, his admirable defense silent quickly, as quickly as it did after the embarrassment caused by the loss of the Cup final from Salernitana part of the team in 2005 (it should be remembered, the proprietor pleaded not interested in our trophies, albeit modest, who lost for three hundred euro, this would be enough to be fiercely contested by his supporters). In anxiously awaiting that to change policy, be satisfied with delight with the latest gem that which has the gift. Alone is able to measure the level of review in this town who does. Speaking of players waiting to be hired by Salernitana (?) Football 1919 (?) Fulvietto has defined their positions waiting a position of "beautiful lies". That said, there is only hope that even the "beautiful lies" of Salerno ends soon. If you depend solely dall'institore, you can bet not a penny. His latest statements are the usual explanations of the facade. Asked by a journalist Lira TV, read as one reads a quick formality, the answer was all in one go: "The situation is close to our heart, we are following, our lawyers are getting involved with the matter." The curator believes so much that it is considering to set not one but two bars: the next, which will be deserted, and even later. The first on January 19, the other March 16 (Salernonotizie).
In the same television, it seems sensible that if a visitor to the story the hints, will be invited to cut the director. True or not, remains a voice nonetheless consistent with quell'emittente the close bond that has the company with an exclusive party and with all those editorials that deployed to lose credibility. Franco Esposito, Telecolore up (which is known as the Salerno Rai), leads merrily "Goals for Goals" with a scene that in the background (maybe) has the grenade symbol of the fracture of 2005, a giant ball of rags. Marcello Party on TV today, dismisses the matter by saying that "there is great expectation of the people" and that "it should tickle XXXXXXXX want to buy the symbol" (the symbol, not the Salerno). The success of the team Fabiani (the components of this movement welcomed, for the joy you bring to the vast maggioranza dei salernitani) contribuiscono ad affossare l'argomento. Sembra che l'importante sia che la palla continui a rotolare sempre meglio, "per portare su tutti i campi - usando parole dell'institore - la bandiera della provincia di Salerno". Ecco, che porti pure dove vuole il gonfalone dell'ente che sogna, ma che lasci stare la nostra bandiera.
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