Italy exceeds the target of 700 MW
The counter has scored GSE these days exceeding the threshold of 700MW of installed capacity in photovoltaic systems. More specifically: over 56,400 plants are in operation PV, of which approximately 51,000 entered service with the incentive mechanism of the New Energy Bill and nearly 6,000 with that of the Old Energy Bill with a total capacity of, respectively, about 540MW and 164MW.
part of the GSE is also possible to have an updated picture of the geographic distribution of PV in the country.
Apulia is the region of the palm with the largest installed power over 96 MW. The primacy of the Lombardy region with the highest number of installations: over 8,600.
Based on installed capacity virtuous are other regions of Lombardy and Emilia Romagna with 84 MW to 62MW, conversely bottom of the list can be found in Liguria (5.8 MW), Molise (2.7 MW) and Valle d'Aosta (0 , 4 MW).
In the ranking of number of plants after they are first place in the Lombardy, Emilia Romagna (about 5,300 plants) and the Veneto (about 5,200), while the taillights are still Liguria (about 760), Molise (180 ) and Valle d'Aosta (59).
(source artcolo:
Monday, December 14, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Xd Gale Of Darkness Get A Pikachu
Le cose cambiano... una mai: la fede!
Salernitana Sport
Salernitana Sport
The 1919 turns 90. Almost a century of life lived, with alternating fortunes, in a succession of events, sometimes exciting sometimes stormy, that have characterized the history written by the sacrifice of a few and with the excitement of many. A light film of dust covered the book four years of memories, the yellowing pages that contain the emotions experienced by generations of fans who have passed the torch of passion, from the dusty ground of the Plaza de Armas, the dress and as a result of 'Arechi. Just a gentle breath and under the cloud of dust back in the light companies of the legions of players, coaches, managers more or less honest and passionate fans beyond all limits.
From the memories of jumping out of the picture of the old Beer Welten, Salerno and a group of young veterans of the Great War to lay the groundwork for the establishment of the Union Salernitana Sport, the team that dreams of Adalgiso Onesti, Matteo Schiavone, Vince Giordano and other young people should unite under one banner all sports Salerno. June 19 was ninety years ago. The shirts of Lazio "banners" Salerno began to battle fields on the region's fiery defiance, as well as opponents in the field, the personalities of leaders that putting the tower to sportsmanship. But the eleven children of Salerno never lowers his head amidst difficulties Dick continued to hold high the name of the town until 1925 when it inevitably had to haul down the flag.
Salerno did not give up. More pictures from the past tell Fascist Union Salernitana Sport knit shell that could resume its interrupted. The great goalkeeper Finizio, celebrated by Alfonso Gatto, those who abandon the posts to give a hand to the fans Salerno engaged in fistfights with opposing fans, the rocky Apicella, the great Bertagni; almost faded images that come alive in the hearts of those who did not never abandoned the cloak biancoceleste first and then grenade. Fascist leaders lined up in full uniform Littorio in the gallery on the opening day of that stage that accompanied sixty years of passion, where the mesh biancoceleste Salernitana still finished the Serie B for the first time.
year of grace 1938: the great Sallustro, Totonno Valese, Ninuccio Iacovazzi, Mr. Hirzer, the "gazelle" to drive a Hungarian training Salerno gave the fans the first great satisfaction. The return to Serie B, before the bombs' Ciccio 'or railway workers' "replace the tears of joy with those of pain in a city devastated by war.
yellowed photos tell of "strapaesana" rebirth of the team made up exclusively of boys from Salerno that depopulated the resumption of racing. It was 1945: between boogie-boogie, the Turmac, between the city crowded with soldiers, "segnorine and shoeshine boys, Salernitana returned by necessity and if the shirt big jump out of a pot of dye and the unforgettable gesture of a great Scaramella, who gave the president as Salernitana Sporting Union to a handful of sports that began the climb to Mount Olympus of the national football under the stimulus of the great goals Margiotta, of Iacovazzi and Onorato. The devilish tactics and his master Gipo Vianema as the cornerstone of Italian football, the invention of the free, with the great Alberto Piccinini write pages that have indelibly marked the history grenade. The first time in Serie A. Il Grande Torino, le vittorie su Milan e Inter, le angherie di un arbitro e di un sistema politico che spedirono i Granata del sud in Serie B dopo appena un anno. Le immagini prendono colore. L’ippocampo, sulle maglie granata.
La lunga sequela di campionati di Serie B con Castaldo, De Fazio, Taccola. L’inferno della Serie C e il breve ritorno tra i cadetti grazie a Tom Rosati e alla sua giovane squadra, dove la stella di Pierino Prati "la peste” iniziò a brillare nel panorama calcistico mondiale. Fotogrammi più vicini a noi raccontano di 25 anni trascorsi nell’inferno della Serie C; “quelli del Vestuti”, generazioni di ragazzi temprati su campi di terza divisione, a sognare un ritorno nel calcio that counts. Capone, Valsecchi, Vitulano, Del Favero, Zaccaro, De Vitis, the great Agostino Di Bartolomei, the heroes of the fans of the '70s and '80s.
Then the story changes our scenario: Areca. The 90s, magic years: the fable of the red flags, the return to Serie B and the top division for two consecutive missed the last second. Goals from Marco Di Vaio and the big stage of the Serie A that reopens after fifty years. A joy from the short term, a bitter awakening. The beating hearts of four stops in grenade fire in a bloody train. Latest
frames tell of Serie B, with youthful promise, an evening of heart-pounding lived, reaching a deserved salvation. Kisses, hugs and the promise of great return. Then the lights went out dell'Arechi and the book of our history is closed suddenly. For four years. That each try to turn them on again, so finding the old one and unique sports union lost.
From the memories of jumping out of the picture of the old Beer Welten, Salerno and a group of young veterans of the Great War to lay the groundwork for the establishment of the Union Salernitana Sport, the team that dreams of Adalgiso Onesti, Matteo Schiavone, Vince Giordano and other young people should unite under one banner all sports Salerno. June 19 was ninety years ago. The shirts of Lazio "banners" Salerno began to battle fields on the region's fiery defiance, as well as opponents in the field, the personalities of leaders that putting the tower to sportsmanship. But the eleven children of Salerno never lowers his head amidst difficulties Dick continued to hold high the name of the town until 1925 when it inevitably had to haul down the flag.
Salerno did not give up. More pictures from the past tell Fascist Union Salernitana Sport knit shell that could resume its interrupted. The great goalkeeper Finizio, celebrated by Alfonso Gatto, those who abandon the posts to give a hand to the fans Salerno engaged in fistfights with opposing fans, the rocky Apicella, the great Bertagni; almost faded images that come alive in the hearts of those who did not never abandoned the cloak biancoceleste first and then grenade. Fascist leaders lined up in full uniform Littorio in the gallery on the opening day of that stage that accompanied sixty years of passion, where the mesh biancoceleste Salernitana still finished the Serie B for the first time.
year of grace 1938: the great Sallustro, Totonno Valese, Ninuccio Iacovazzi, Mr. Hirzer, the "gazelle" to drive a Hungarian training Salerno gave the fans the first great satisfaction. The return to Serie B, before the bombs' Ciccio 'or railway workers' "replace the tears of joy with those of pain in a city devastated by war.
yellowed photos tell of "strapaesana" rebirth of the team made up exclusively of boys from Salerno that depopulated the resumption of racing. It was 1945: between boogie-boogie, the Turmac, between the city crowded with soldiers, "segnorine and shoeshine boys, Salernitana returned by necessity and if the shirt big jump out of a pot of dye and the unforgettable gesture of a great Scaramella, who gave the president as Salernitana Sporting Union to a handful of sports that began the climb to Mount Olympus of the national football under the stimulus of the great goals Margiotta, of Iacovazzi and Onorato. The devilish tactics and his master Gipo Vianema as the cornerstone of Italian football, the invention of the free, with the great Alberto Piccinini write pages that have indelibly marked the history grenade. The first time in Serie A. Il Grande Torino, le vittorie su Milan e Inter, le angherie di un arbitro e di un sistema politico che spedirono i Granata del sud in Serie B dopo appena un anno. Le immagini prendono colore. L’ippocampo, sulle maglie granata.
La lunga sequela di campionati di Serie B con Castaldo, De Fazio, Taccola. L’inferno della Serie C e il breve ritorno tra i cadetti grazie a Tom Rosati e alla sua giovane squadra, dove la stella di Pierino Prati "la peste” iniziò a brillare nel panorama calcistico mondiale. Fotogrammi più vicini a noi raccontano di 25 anni trascorsi nell’inferno della Serie C; “quelli del Vestuti”, generazioni di ragazzi temprati su campi di terza divisione, a sognare un ritorno nel calcio that counts. Capone, Valsecchi, Vitulano, Del Favero, Zaccaro, De Vitis, the great Agostino Di Bartolomei, the heroes of the fans of the '70s and '80s.
Then the story changes our scenario: Areca. The 90s, magic years: the fable of the red flags, the return to Serie B and the top division for two consecutive missed the last second. Goals from Marco Di Vaio and the big stage of the Serie A that reopens after fifty years. A joy from the short term, a bitter awakening. The beating hearts of four stops in grenade fire in a bloody train. Latest
frames tell of Serie B, with youthful promise, an evening of heart-pounding lived, reaching a deserved salvation. Kisses, hugs and the promise of great return. Then the lights went out dell'Arechi and the book of our history is closed suddenly. For four years. That each try to turn them on again, so finding the old one and unique sports union lost.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Dragon Age Origins Savegame 100%
La Salernitana rinasce tra le pale eoliche
La Salernitana was released by the court after four years. Now it is the the only freedom that makes sense: the green grass of football where hopes are born. First hopes for redemption. And 'most poisonous sadly the passing of our brief history of the Lodo Petrucci. Hopes, again, of future glory. Glory on that one a place of true freedom that gives meaning to his release: the green grass of football where hopes are born. This is the final destination, the route that goes via Papio all'Arechi, however, extends to Vallo della Lucania. Why, if there are other reasons? Until
will be known how to translate the brand, the freedom that was granted to the Salerno's on another green field. The poles that support networks are poles wind and coaches do not carry fans, but renewable energy. The successful bidder is the trademark of our Energy Power. The company, which just happens to limited liability, is due all'institore. Apparently, his personal relationship the risk appears to be improved. Unlike that of Salerno (?) Football 1919 (?), It is not official. It is the sole director. Blood as an entrepreneur? The share capital of Energy Power is ten thousand euro. The objects seem not to have to do with the purchase of our history. The company was founded for the construction of networks and power plants for energy: for its transportation, its processing and its sale. "To this end, the company can operate both in Italy and abroad and carry out any activity related, instrumental, related, complementary or otherwise useful for achieving its corporate purpose, including by way of example and not limitation [... ] carry out any [...]". Any commercial business transaction. Even the purchase of the brand name of a football team for a company of electricity. the rebirth of Salerno apparently rests on this stripe. There is nothing to the bench that he deserved his royal Majesty. Not even prove to be an electric chair: the fan brigade. To this end, the imminent reunification of the fans is the only good thing about these latest developments.
Last summer, the proprietor gave breath to trumpets and trombones By proclaiming the offer to purchase the brand. The offer was subject to an agreement on pending cases. No one asked him on behalf of these details and the virginity of the savior of soccer in Salem remained intact. But both cases, both the personal love for his ball to the piece, there remained an obstacle to the return of Salerno. The next attempt was clearly Pilate: one hundred thousand euro compared with more than three times requested. The refusal was immediate.
All this and more. In support, injury history and identity of the fathers of our team that every heart grenade should never forget. Trophies Salernitana not interested. Yet they were in separate blocks of three hundred euro. The shields behind which he hid when they broke the taboo of the hippocampus were footballers and categories to be won. How can we forget the way in which it was born Salernitana (?) Football 1919 (?)? The contribution millionaire Ance was resolved before delivery del Consiglio di Stato che determinò la nostra esclusione. Questi terribili e disgustosi ricordi resteranno indelebili. Indelebili, anche e soprattutto quando si saprà a che titolo il marchio verrà girato alla Salernitana(?). La quale ultima da quell'ora soltanto non meriterà più punti interrogativi. Ora in cui in cui si saprà se le sarà stata trasferita la proprietà del marchio o, al contrario, se cause, ragioni economiche e sete di rivalsa le consentiranno di usufruirne da "estranea". Se quattro anni senza granata non hanno scalfito l'amore, quattro anni e mille ancora non scalfiranno il nuovo proposito: Salernitana a Salerno, institore a Vallo.
will be known how to translate the brand, the freedom that was granted to the Salerno's on another green field. The poles that support networks are poles wind and coaches do not carry fans, but renewable energy. The successful bidder is the trademark of our Energy Power. The company, which just happens to limited liability, is due all'institore. Apparently, his personal relationship the risk appears to be improved. Unlike that of Salerno (?) Football 1919 (?), It is not official. It is the sole director. Blood as an entrepreneur? The share capital of Energy Power is ten thousand euro. The objects seem not to have to do with the purchase of our history. The company was founded for the construction of networks and power plants for energy: for its transportation, its processing and its sale. "To this end, the company can operate both in Italy and abroad and carry out any activity related, instrumental, related, complementary or otherwise useful for achieving its corporate purpose, including by way of example and not limitation [... ] carry out any [...]". Any commercial business transaction. Even the purchase of the brand name of a football team for a company of electricity. the rebirth of Salerno apparently rests on this stripe. There is nothing to the bench that he deserved his royal Majesty. Not even prove to be an electric chair: the fan brigade. To this end, the imminent reunification of the fans is the only good thing about these latest developments.
Last summer, the proprietor gave breath to trumpets and trombones By proclaiming the offer to purchase the brand. The offer was subject to an agreement on pending cases. No one asked him on behalf of these details and the virginity of the savior of soccer in Salem remained intact. But both cases, both the personal love for his ball to the piece, there remained an obstacle to the return of Salerno. The next attempt was clearly Pilate: one hundred thousand euro compared with more than three times requested. The refusal was immediate.
All this and more. In support, injury history and identity of the fathers of our team that every heart grenade should never forget. Trophies Salernitana not interested. Yet they were in separate blocks of three hundred euro. The shields behind which he hid when they broke the taboo of the hippocampus were footballers and categories to be won. How can we forget the way in which it was born Salernitana (?) Football 1919 (?)? The contribution millionaire Ance was resolved before delivery del Consiglio di Stato che determinò la nostra esclusione. Questi terribili e disgustosi ricordi resteranno indelebili. Indelebili, anche e soprattutto quando si saprà a che titolo il marchio verrà girato alla Salernitana(?). La quale ultima da quell'ora soltanto non meriterà più punti interrogativi. Ora in cui in cui si saprà se le sarà stata trasferita la proprietà del marchio o, al contrario, se cause, ragioni economiche e sete di rivalsa le consentiranno di usufruirne da "estranea". Se quattro anni senza granata non hanno scalfito l'amore, quattro anni e mille ancora non scalfiranno il nuovo proposito: Salernitana a Salerno, institore a Vallo.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Nose Bleeding And Blood In Flem
Confidenze stampa
Sin da quando stated that it would certainly be saved to fifty points despite having a dozen or less, the proprietor opened the catchphrase of the conference. The formuletta has become a loophole to skirt the issue on applications are not aligned (few) and to discharge the responsibility to decide on the others (many). There the technical side, we wondered if those who willingly delegation is at least partly responsible. But none of our business. As there was about the press conference itself, had not become a political issue. Exactly. The return to the eighties darkest was sealed by the shift of the date after the elections. Not sure why the floral decorations of the pulpit from which to speak ra days to be arranged. But who would have paid? And who would have commissioned them? The proprietor thinks he is the proprietor of an institution (of the year two thousand). It considers the balance of administrative and procrastinate the "address to the nation" (Scapaticci, Lira Tv) for the provincial poor. A little 'town, a bit' in your head, you can breathe the air of the antechamber of a declaration of war. A statement by a solemn proclamation of the window of the Palazzo ... Vallo della Lucania, usually long after the chariot in triumph because of holes in the budget. But who ... break the kidneys this time? What delicious reveal confidences? Trembling, a fact we already know: what follows will be silent. The "savior of soccer in Salem, if they remain in the saddle, shamelessly celebrate our novantenario. I will confess without much, if not the nation, even to the city and the province not only inconvenient time of elections, and if you remember, has never been any grenade. When he addresses the fans, it should be that the sensitivity to our history is quite clear. When talking with the judges, however, the story changes. As the face. Here is his deception to the detriment of those who, by the year two thousand, following the fortunes of Salerno (?) Football 1919 (?), He plans to cheer for the team which, at present, lacking only a little drawing-shaped hippocampus printed on the jersey . The document che segue è la risposta che l’ex presidente della neo-costituita società (oggi è institore) diede alla Salernitana Sport. L'occasione fu la diffida di quest'ultima dall’utilizzo di una denominazione sociale troppo simile alla sua, che avrebbe ingenerato confusione nella tifoseria al momento di identificare il club che aveva sempre sostenuto. La specialità di questa "carta" è che attraverso di essa apprendiamo, per ammissione espressa dell’institore, che il club che ha fondato quattro anni fa non ha niente a che vedere con la Salernitana Sport. In particolare egli ritiene che la tifoseria non potrà mai confondere la nuova squadra con quella che ha come simbolo l’ippocampo. Ciò sia in virtù dell’utilizzo opposite of the adjective "Salerno" in the word "Football" and year "1919" in the name and by virtue of the presence in their own brand of "football", known to history as a ball of rags.

Well we know, however, that the facts were completely different. It could not be otherwise. To the point that today, just days before the birthday of Salerno, with the support of a topic that misinformation is rampant, not just those fans all'institore seeking to celebrate an anniversary that is not his and that he has never belonged.
Not to mention us simple fans. To motivate a judge, Petruzziello, of the section on industrial and intellectual property of the court of Naples. In order excerpt attached below, refers to the difference between Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid. Power of the brand. How can you support Real to Atletico fans? How can you go from Rome to Lazio?

Saturday, May 23, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Knex Swing Ride Instructions
Le verità nascoste
Soon Scocchera the novantenario of our team. Among the new football club and the presumption of an anniversary celebration that does not belong there are half a league, results and uncertain future. Of course, there is instead only the past: what follows, of obvious interest to all Salerno, popping eyes.
On August 5 the year two thousand, four days before the Council of State had ruled against Salernitana Sport and five days before the subsequent exclusion prepared by the Federal Council, the Reeds Salerno, chaired by the same person who presided over the Board of Directors newly created Salernitana(?) Calcio 1919(?), deliberò a favore della stessa un milione e duecentomila euro (si veda il bilancio consuntivo e la relativa relazione del collegio dei revisori dei conti in allegato).
Chi è esperto non avrà bisogno d'altro. Proviamo a chiarire per chi non lo è. L'Ance Salerno, per "consentire l’iscrizione della beneficiaria al campionato di serie C1 e al rilascio di fideiussioni presso la Federazione Gioco calcio” (testualmente dal documuento del consulente fiscale dell'associazione allegato), assunse una scelta quantomeno ardita: destinò al neonato club una così ingente cifra, quando ancora non si sapeva se ci sarebbe stata la possibilità di aderire al Lodo Petrucci. Ovvero, quando ancora non si sapeva se la Salernitana Sport sarebbe stata esclusa dalla Serie B. Questa mossa costò una perdita di più di seicentomila euro in bilancio (si veda la voce "d" del consuntivo duemilacinque allegato), ma consentì al futuro institore vallese di apparire come salvatore del calcio a Salerno. Si apprende da un quotidiano locale dell'epoca, sia pure nella giungla di qualche riga sperduta, che la vicende finì in procura: "Scattata la denuncia degli scontenti, il presidente granata ha pensato bene di chiudere i rapporti tra l'Ance e la Salernitana". L’Ance Salerno nasce per tutelare i costruttori della città e della provincia. Il trasferimento, a titolo di generico "contributo", fu giustificato da una teoria singolare: "la sopravvivenza della squadra di calcio di Salerno a livello professionistico avrebbe evitato gravi conseguenze (anche) nel settore delle costruzioni" (testualmente dal parere pro veritate allegato). Con onestà e aderenza ai fatti, quale rapporto ci sia tra il pallone, la sua sopravvivenza e l'edilizia, a noi semplici tifosi risulta difficile da comprendere. A meno che non si voglia lasciare spazio all'immaginazione. Che il lettore usi liberamente la sua e faccia le opportune considerazioni. Come si sia conclusa la vicenda giudiziaria, o se essa sia ancora in corso, al momento non è dato di saperlo. Ma non disperiamo, c'è sempre la promessa conferenza stampa di fine anno sui motivi per cui a Salerno è difficile fare calcio. Magari ci si spiegasse come si facesse a prevedere che la nostra amata Salernitana non sarebbe stata iscritta, quando per farlo, al Consiglio di Stato, fu necessario il voto decisivo del presidente del collegio giudicante! Ci chiediamo: sarà una lezione sul coraggio d'impresa o una conferenza stampa confessoria? Per intanto, il paradosso della salvezza del calcio in città pare proprio un monumento insieme alla menzogna e a quanto sappia essere credulona la nostra amata e contraddittoria Salerno.
Ma il tempo è galantuomo. Chi non ha mai ceduto alle sirene della categoria (che sirene racchie, poi, quelle della Serie C...), prova ad un tempo, in questi avvenimenti, dolore e gioia. Dolore, per il disgusto che provoca l'associazione alla nostra amata Salernitana di questi fatti e dei loro protagonisti, che cionondimeno se ne dichiaravano in pubblico tifosi. Gioia, perché l'amore per la casacca granata si conferma una splendida favola, la cui morale incoraggia e fortifica. Tra ideologìe tramontate e disillusione diffusa, l'attaccamento alla squadra del cuore, nel rispetto della sua storia e della sua tradizione, è ancora capace di far sognare giovani e meno giovani. Senza storia e tradizione, valori innanzitutto di vita, questo sport e la fede in un club non hanno ragione d'esistere. Dunque, aspettiamo il ritorno dell'Unica, cogli interessi che quattro anni di ipocrisie ci impongono: Salernitana a Salerno, institore a Vallo.

Friday, April 3, 2009
How Much Do A Face Mask Cost
Piazza Pulita
De Luca Nothing will stop erecting the mausoleum of Liberty Square. Monumental or invasive, the operation will move hundred and fifty million euro cement. Cement, four years miserable, he became a representative for the famous ball, the proprietor. De Luca, who thinks big, he never considered the idea of \u200b\u200binvolving him. Moreover, he labeled in public projects that have advanced Arechi and sports center (with a hotel and amphitheater!) Without any serious proposals. All'institore you just have to try to build elsewhere, now that the dream is gone rubbish: De Vizia, in sponsoring the smell of Salerno (?) differentiated, not build the incinerator.

If the mayor thinks of Freedom Square to redeem Salerno, he thinks a. .. Tiananmen Square to avoid being hunted. "We will let people in the newsroom, we must make the selection" is a veiled threat from Telecolore. Not just a local press that he preferred to introduce it in the city as the savior of his country, rather than struggling to keep alive the Salernitana. Not enough for him who has given to farce yesterday, as the one on draft D'Alma, and those of today, such as those on offer for the mark. The futility of the next, which has already sounded the trumpets of the defenders, is well rendered by the words of Nigro. A few days after the decision on the date of the new auction, which will start from three hundred thousand euro plus vat until December, the editor states that with the "new call will automatically drop all the references to not only receive but even hear cases by private treaty . June is the train. Those who wish may climb now "(The City of today). The team dell'institore things just are not going well. As it happens, however, is not his fault. It can not be his. It can not be of this new Her Majesty, which replaced the real with the help of same class on Monday attacked a journalist. Also have to split those two or three feathers of the number that jar in the choir, all in print. It attaches to bring the single thought which we are familiar with from two thousand and five. If these warnings are not enough, do not skimp the instrument of corrective action, all summed up in the only point of convergence between Telecolore and Lira TV: "dissociate ourselves." There is no place for freedom of thought in virtual Tiananmen Square which has run the Valais built in Salem. There is no place since dall'inzio, when he declared that his was the only Salernitana They continue with dignity and pride of our history in the third category. E 'in the same way who has covered the truth of the period of transition. The time has not yet returned, but, as these sorties, has already handed over to those who want to understand why no one dares to uncover some pots. The hottest, we're sure, are those in which the proprietor ... Salernitana boiled in a game of Chinese boxes made of the date of exclusion and the date of commitment of funds that do not coincide with the continuity that is flaunting.
monument's central Tiananmen Square Noantri is the confusion between "Made in China all'Arechi he plays and the original company. Who is intellectually honest, but it is far from our thoughts, share this thought: If the new team had not called with contempt and arrogance of Salerno, below and on the credit would have been much different. It 'most likely would have been the very ones who demonstrate, this time with the facts, that he deserves. It 'very probable that Salerno was asked, then yes, all in a compact manner. It 'very probable that today, four years later, we regained. But it's never too late to read the events and review their ideas is an act of intelligence.
There's only one place to build. For it does not require companies or holding of processed Ltd. in southern Lazio. And 'that place clear of any residue of this bloody recent past Salernitana a third option would provide: a clean sweep.
There's only one place to build. For it does not require companies or holding of processed Ltd. in southern Lazio. And 'that place clear of any residue of this bloody recent past Salernitana a third option would provide: a clean sweep.
Friday, March 20, 2009
How Much Ambien Would Kill You
Guerra fredda
The passage of time heals wounds everywhere. In Salerno no. Four years is not sufficient to erase the shame of exclusion unfair. And this time, stand is not a source of pride. Too many shadows of the worst summer of our history back to the surface in the form of the poisonous legacies of our day. Return to the surface like something else. We return to turbid water and cold as a cold war, fought between all parts of the city in their respective circles of Hell. The circle is the focal arena between the mayor and proprietor. In what is certain notice requesting third player to enter it. Nigro said the curator of newspapers and tivvù a call for information procedures for the brand. Michele Spiezia confirmation Chronicles triples concerned. Three or one that is a fact that a lawyer, well known in town and already close to Salernitana, has approached the issue. This third row he has not revealed, did not declare war, but already sowing terror. Especially the faction that gives more than any other sign of abating, the dell'institore and its fans, who, enjoying preference Bulgarian forward and pulling up to the implosion, it seems the USSR before the fall of the wall (I). The Americans are deluchiani: the mayor, his supporters and the Pentagon's Freedom Square. But more than the U.S. and USSR, it seems a uses and abuses. It is clear from now, we are not pro-American.
dell'institore The Red Army fought on several fronts: in the league, where the game is getting harder, the court of Naples, where he must defend himself from plagiarism of which the accused Salernitana, to bankruptcy, where the Valais in the company lawyer Melancholy, has tried to stem the enemy's counter attacks. Forced by the expression of the fans had to respond with a move also in the media. Rather than Risk, played Rosik. The (bad) results of its intentions on Salernitana are no longer news. Again, however, there is the leapfrogging of the curator. The two have spoken directly with the judge Iannicelli. Nigro is well aware that the proprietor is trying to make all the responsibilities fall on him. The report made by the liquidator and the curator will not help. Among the risk of complicating their lives in the cause and the ability to blackmail the environment with an offer on a personal basis (seriously argue that the fans), the proprietor chose the latter. From this form of purchase, gain his personal survival after death or the sale of his team. Everyone knows that requests for contracts and projects were put forward by Salerno (?) Football 1919 (?), But by companies linked to him. Everyone knows that De Luca has rejected them, not even considering them seriously. Buy the brand in a personal capacity would keep Salernitana in his pocket when, out of the picture, the team was never "delivered" to the mayor.
De Luca knows the situation in terms Salernitana (?) Football 1919 (?) And has already moved. A little 'to go down in history as the liberator of Salerno, taking advantage of the unannounced party novantenario, for delivery in full regalia of the team to the city. A little 'because he sensed the extent of his power in football that would ensure the issue if the City was to buy some or contractor near you. The severity of this hypothesis is all in politics and its fickleness: Salernitana extracalcistica become an issue over the years. The mayor's statements confirm this. He did not say you want to buy to run the hippocampus at Salernitana (?), But for "grants the use of the company as it deems appropriate to designate" (The City on March 10). Fortunately, it gets its way. The symbolic bid will not be enough. The curator has already declared its intention to go ahead with the auction and the same price. Only different pressures unlock this track.
If history repeats itself, the Red Army, rather than grenade, succumb in favor of the sheriff's stars and stripes. But if history repeats itself, no one will benefit. For the first time in four years, at the end of this phase there will be a turning point. What is more unreasonable feel the need to stand up for the U.S. or the USSR, to the mayor or the proprietor, knowing of choosing the lesser evil, not the best solution. The latter of which is and remains a third option Salernitana, new owner of the trademark and other than a company formed in conflict with the historical. It would be the only real cancellation of the summer of poisons. Enshrine the only real ricompattezza the fans. But for this there is no other weapon that the desertion dell'Arechi. We do not have the authority to give advice, but the right to express opinions: it is the only move that's guaranteed to leave the theater of the Cold War interests and we are seeing. It 'the only move that would provide input the scene of some entrepreneur who could return a true and independent Salernitana.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Emerson E10 Reset Button
In un mare di dubbi, una sola certezza: giù le mani dalla Salernitana!
At the same lack of results of Salerno (?) Football 1919 (?), Is overwhelmingly returned the matter to the attention Salernitana Sport. The fans, already gathered in large numbers are studying initiatives, laudable in intent, to seize the historic brand. Indeed, for reviving the Salernitana. But to give it to whom? And with such prospects?
of economic dell'institore we have already mentioned. Other owner of the shares is Murolo, the minority shareholder with thirty percent of the shares of Salerno (?) Football 1919 (?). In the now famous interview with Telecolore, the Cassini said that "the accounts of Salerno are OK, but they are red in our personal accounts." This statement is in fact borne out by the filings in the Chamber of Commerce, where, by examining the budgets of the last two years of the main activities of the two partners, the "profit" figures are anything but encouraging for those aspects of large investments. An example? With Solcesi Ltd, the company that is building staff which has joined the temporary joint venture for the stadium Arechi in the last budget presented has declared a profit of less than ninety-four thousand euro. In the other companies in which he holds of the charges, profits turn into losses. In one of these, the accumulation of debt is not negligible and administrators, including the same Murolo, say they do not earn rewards. What happens if we compare these figures to the recapitalization of just under one million euro served to redress the balance of Salerno (?) Football 1919 (?) After winning the Serie C1? He leaps to the eyes that are clearly far less than the amount of single recapitalization occurred. The legitimate question is: how long will last this bad habit, if only one sample was taken much more of the profits of enterprises of the two members in two years? Unfortunately were to fall into their hands, ask them to let us know how happy all the promises will be kept on a team that, according to most parties, this year alone would cost about ten million euro. But luckily it seems farther and farther away that this could happen.
Only a few years ago told local newspaper articles of funds wrongly taken from Ance funds to support the emergence of Salerno (?) Football 1919 (?). Failing that, we are confident that access to the Lodo Petrucci would have been claimed by people who today is still considered to be the only one who can guarantee a future for "football town"? According to the same sources, this matter would be ended in prosecution. The Salerno reported that the club dell'institore quote would be "ready to take one million two hundred thousand euro from the coffers of manufacturers. Shot the complaint, the President has seen fit to grenade close relations between the Reeds and Salernitana. All this would lead to think that the president had not alleged sufficient capacity from the outset. Why allocate money from the ANCE, risking the indictment, when you could legitimately use their own? If you wanted to make about the holder of a professional football team led the association as it justified the substantial commitment of money in football by an organization that was created to protect manufacturers? Goes well with these doubts even the resentment that the proprietor seems every time I try to remember the family relationship between Muro and the president of Siena Stronati Giovanni Lombardi, who recently came under investigation with his cousin and several others.
What, then, the latest trend to pass that the next June 19 will celebrate "the ninety years of football town." A fake. For the sake of accuracy, the football Salerno took his first steps before that date. The Football Club Salerno, for example, we trod the dusty fields as early as 1913. But maybe it was just inaccurate. This collective effort reinvigorates guilty of the confusion between Salerno and Salerno (?) Football 1919 (?), playing on the date of birth. Not remembering the same diligence at the other decades, this aspect indicates how strong the shield that most of the components of this city used to hoist the defense of those who have never shown love for Salernitana. A vicious circle. From
Salernitana Sport fans, this sea of \u200b\u200bdoubt, we hope that in no way our beloved club to fall into the hands of those who did not appear to have the strength to secure the future it deserves. Our team is still suffering the consequences of bankruptcy three years ago. Losing again, a short distance of time, a Salernitana resurrected? No, thank you!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Retinal Detachment Rollercoaster
Panem et circenses
With these words, was made public that Salerno is no longer a prisoner of the court. Today it is regarded as the consideration for the personal profit of those who, for many, should leave. This statement proves no exception. Only the burden of gratitude for having saved the false history of football in town removes weight to their severity. The management of Valais, Cassino and Rome is not limited to exploit the emotional heritage of Salerno. Today, announcing in a loud voice to make the gains to its rebirth. All this in public, in front of microphones, notebooks, which means an ear feel and almost complete lack of indignation.
Fabiani, who was sentenced to four-year suspension for preferential relations with the umpires, allowed herself to escape the private dell'institore outbursts on TV today. Murolo to Telecolore, making absurd claims to the bass drum during an interview: if the city does not help them, "could lose their appetite." The aid is not required to Salernitana (?) Football 1919 (?), But to a different subject, see the cases to be all'institore. The smoke screen is the need of training facilities. Well said, if it were Salernitana (?) Football 1919 (?) In capitalization, it was capitalized at Salernitana Castelrovere. But it is not so. In unidentified fax sent to the City, the proprietor took the twisting of zoning and shoreline for the construction of an amphitheater, training camps and a hotel for their own pockets, all with sea views and good links. Fortunately, the nearest dominates them. This request was from waste paper from the header. A De Luca was grinning almost soon after declared that there was no respect for each procedure, the proprietor had not even considered to be sufficient on its sole authority of "union" of manufacturers and an employee of a football club to ask for and receive. Absurdly unlikely event, and only absurd, it was accepted, Salernitana (?) Football 1919(?) avrebbe semplicemente cambiato padrone di casa: dal Comune all'institore. Il quale ultimo, a sua volta, avrebbe invece dato una scossa economica alla sua vita grazie all'aiuto proprio del Comune, cioè di tutti noi salernitani. La sua azienda di costruzioni, della quale fa vanto coi numerosi cartelloni allo stadio, ha dichiarato nell'ultimo bilancio meno di ventitremila euro di utile, cioè meno di duemila euro al mese, nemmeno cinquanta milioni di lire. Quanto gli avrebbe fatto comodo un albergo? E la gestione pluriennale dell'Arechi? Il tanto altro che ci sarebbe da chiedersi non rientra nella competenza di questo movimento. Nella quale a pieno titolo si colloca la denuncia di quest'intrico di pretese con al centro il nostro marchio, like any other investigation on the exclusion of Salerno. The dry
refusal of the mayor on one side has reduced the caliber of character proprietor, the other has caused a rift in the relationship, so to speak, "unilateral." Most citizens have diplomatically stated that nothing has changed and apparently also had been, he would not have made a frown. The proprietor has run ended in a very long silence, very sharp with presenteeism constant than before. The lethargy was abruptly interrupted by the need to curb the excessive clarity Murolo in an interview with TV Lyra, during which, moreover, denied the blackmail to the City without the journalist had used this word. To convince you that he had not suffered, he had to attend a conference with the mayor on scamming the elderly. Comedian. A few years ago, the proprietor, knocked on the door, you did give the design of the hippocampus from the nonagenarian widow of Master D'Alma. Just in July, from the pages of Chronicles, the daughter of the master called the incident a "scripted". In his speaking, his elderly mother had not "perfectly clear picture of the situation." Dell'Arechi desertion is the only solution for those who really wants back the U.S. Salernitana Sport Salernitana then. A strong piece of his past is off. Miguel Vitulano the heartfelt memories of every heart grenade.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Quadruple William Rogers
Festeggeranno i novant'anni con la palla di pezza
What's new, nothing new. Continued silence dell'institore, who suffers from lack of love for the microphone, but even more because of the lack of the hoped for advantage: Contracts. De Luca was clear, "only serious projects." According to the mayor his were not.
The proprietor is silent, but the newspapers come out every day. Who writes them, the first board always enjoyed a thriving statements by the self-styled President, is now forced to fill them with words of others. Yesterday Murolo, somber today, the lawyer for Salernitana (?) Football 1919 (?). Thomas D'Angelo, who knows a lot, shoot the front page of the interview on the only legal issue that is in grado di accendere gli animi, la Salernitana Sport.
Il sedici marzo ci sarà la settima asta per liberare la Salernitana, che andrà certamente e puntualente deserta. Questa data è interlocutoria. Dopo, giudice e curatela saranno costretti a compiere il passo successivo, dopo mesi di stanca. Da un lato potrebbero decidere di non mettere più il marchio all'asta nell'immediato. Il liquidatore Opromolla, a questo proposito, è sempre stato chiaro: non c'è fretta, non c'è alcuna necessità di chiudere subito il fallimento. Dall'altro lato, potrebbero decidere di continuare così. In tal caso abbasseranno la cifra. Col prezzo che scende e il tempo che passa, rilanciare restituirebbe con buone probabilità la Salernitana prima del giorno del novantenario. L'offerta personale, eludendo le cause, lo consentirebbe ("Le cause? Sarebbe stato il rischio minore", ammette Malinconico). Ma pare che proprio chi fa propaganda sul ritorno della Salernitana non ne voglia sapere. L'institore vuole ed ama la sua Salernitana(?), non la nostra. Malinconico (mai nome fu più consono alla vicenda!) ha dichiarato che "per l'ippocampo non ci saranno altri rilanci" (oggi su Cronache). L'ha fatto con largo anticipo, perché nel tifoso si radichi la convinzione che l'offerta è congrua e che la colpa è della curatela. "In questa vicenda abbiamo fatto importanti passi in avanti, mentre da parte della curatela non c'è stata nessuna apertura". Nel virgolettato, l'avvocato dell'institore sbaglia due volte su atti da lui stesso redatti ed in una vicenda che lo vede rappresentante. Prima dice che "rispetto alla prima proposta c'è un incremento dell'ottanta per cento. Siamo passati da ottantamila a centomila euro più iva". L'aumento è stato da centomila euro a centosessantamila più iva. Poi, che "dopo due aste deserte si poteva anche pensare di prendere in considerazione una proposta che credo ragionevole". Le aste deserte, o le offese alla Salernitana che dir si voglia, sono già sei. La settima è in programma il prossimo mese. L'ottava occasione, senza limiti alla vergogna, è rimandata alla festa di giugno. Cronache informa che la Salernitana(?) Calcio 1919(?) celebrate novantenario Salernitana. Celebrate the anniversary of the same team against which it defends itself in court, arguing that other and different. The same team that has contributed significantly to delete, undermined. In the same team which continues to use idendità impunity, enjoying the fruits without batting box. It seems shameful that the commemoration will materialize in a commemorative jersey. The only event of Salerno is the proprietor could celebrate his funeral. But perhaps it will not have time.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
How To Fix The Lever On An Ironing Board
Addio Troisi, unico salvatore della Salernitana
The news saddened. In a time when so superficial you assign undeserved licenses "Saviors of football at Salerno", remember those who did not live that period (or, quite rightly forgotten ...) that Filippo Troisi is full the only real savior of Salerno.

It 'hard to tell who has lived the character. Troisi headed the "Group of Pontecagnano," a group of small businessmen fans Salernitana Sport. He tried unsuccessfully in 1980 along with his friends to avoid the loss of the park when the team and players, overwhelmed by debt, was left adrift by the band Ventura & Co. (run away with the loot), although not a manager, assured, putting hands in their pockets (non-repayable) a small contribution to the players for months without pay. He followed the team everywhere and even paid bonuses for victories.
the summer of 1980 he managed to scrape together nearly one hundred million in the form of cash, bills and checks (all honored), to pay the players and the last minute to include the '80-'81 team to the championship (in photos, training for the season). He put up due to loans to young people from dall'Avellino (Toil, Venus, Black) and the careful recruitment drive (Zaccaro, Del Favero, Vulpiani, Lecce) a team, headed by the young Leonardo, he dreamed up to 23 November 1980. After that date, so many difficulties (Earthquake, banned for six months of the dress, the death of Dr. Tescione) managed to end the season with a salvation came in the final race of Terni. The following year, reinforced the team decided to prosecute the Serie B. After so many years dreaming of a promotion that we could finally escaped Giulianova in the last races of the season. Even a year later, with Lojacono on the bench, he set up a good team who unfortunately did not keep the premises the day before. Troisi went away when the football started to change. In 1983 he left the presidency of Antonio Scermino.

the summer of 1980 he managed to scrape together nearly one hundred million in the form of cash, bills and checks (all honored), to pay the players and the last minute to include the '80-'81 team to the championship (in photos, training for the season). He put up due to loans to young people from dall'Avellino (Toil, Venus, Black) and the careful recruitment drive (Zaccaro, Del Favero, Vulpiani, Lecce) a team, headed by the young Leonardo, he dreamed up to 23 November 1980. After that date, so many difficulties (Earthquake, banned for six months of the dress, the death of Dr. Tescione) managed to end the season with a salvation came in the final race of Terni. The following year, reinforced the team decided to prosecute the Serie B. After so many years dreaming of a promotion that we could finally escaped Giulianova in the last races of the season. Even a year later, with Lojacono on the bench, he set up a good team who unfortunately did not keep the premises the day before. Troisi went away when the football started to change. In 1983 he left the presidency of Antonio Scermino.
seems that Salerno (?) Football 1919 (?) On Sunday asked to play with the mourning on the arm. Troisi who is remembered as leader Sports Salerno is right and proper. However, if you want to remember as the former president of the team of Salerno, then we fall into bad taste, taking advantage of the emotions of the moment.
famous anecdote which amused the President himself. When to replace Giammarinaro, Romano was hired Matt, the new coach came in Trois: "pleasure, Matt Romano." Troisi said confidently: "pleasure, Troisi Pontecagnano. Hello President, we'll miss you ...
Friday, January 16, 2009
Carbohydrate Exchange Calculator
Offerta personale: eludere per illudere
Elude the causes and deceives the fans. Other that affair of the heart. Nothing but redemption and pride. The question mark is only a grain, the proprietor Salernitana (?) Football 1919 (?). Before 2005 all'Arechi had never seen. It was not a fan of Salerno. Imagine how much energy can never deeply for his rebirth, he pulls the belt in every economic transaction, which in recent times is not going bad. The ranking is what it is. The market continues in the usual logic. Sometimes almost ridiculous. He knows something Spinesi, his wife and his alleged lack of willingness to work. At the gates, timelines, games, projects, finance, balance. We bring you the fans as well, contributing to this chaos by letting infervorare one, single issue: the return of Salerno.
The obstacle of obstacles, the proprietor, was January 19. He likes to appear. He likes the carousel, the microphones, the contact with people (but with one that's forgiving). As the hunt thumbs up under the curve at the fifth auction deserted after the prayers on the hippocampus? The next hurdle was jumped on Monday. Needed a "card" certifying the commitment. Some purchase and rooted appreciation for the false history that he had saved the city in football would do the rest.
This "paper", this time, could not have the same connotations of that this summer. Even then, the obstacle was the date of auction. Even then it was necessary to find a loophole to get around his promise to (his) fans on the mark, where it acquired the Series B. Taking advantage of impunity that guaranteed compact information at his side, announced loudly that he launched the decisive attack. But something went wrong. Michele Spiezia, the journalist more knowledgeable about each other, touched him scoop. Unveiled for the first offer was to remove the causes. The next day was threatened with a lawsuit. Even later, to defend themselves, he published the document. Frittata made and a long nose like Pinocchio. Spiezia took pity not to continue, not to move from the city ... the city itself a lie that should have cost the man's credibility proprietor. He merely reveal the offer. Offer yes, but do I say. The proprietor put on the scales hundred thousand euro. On the other side, Salernitana had asked him (jointly) 25 million. In sporadic reader considerations about the seriousness of the proposal. On how much he really intended to free Salernitana and how to pull the wool over the eyes of the fans. The equivocal
transaction manc'a say, was rejected. Today it could not reproduce. They needed a ploy. The only one that can reconcile the need not to make missteps in court and on the revival of the propaganda team was to offer staff. It 'been him in person to apply for ownership of the trademark. Again, ask you to say. In the offer, caution (not to buy) è data dalla scadenza: 30 giorni. Il curatore Nigro, tempo addietro, ha fissato due date d'asta, una per il 19 gennaio, l'altra per il 16 marzo. La ragione della scelta, per espressa ammissione del curatore stesso, è evidente: sotto quella cifra non si scende, almeno fino a seconda asta deserta. Anche si scendesse, la cifra proposta è meno della metà della base di partenza, già di per sé meno della metà della stima del perito. Se l'institore avesse davvero avuto intenzione di comprare, avrebbe prolungato la sua offerta a dopo questa data, rimpinguando la somma. Ma non l'ha fatto. Il suo intento principale sembra essere quello di apparire sensibile. Di far ricadere colpe e responsabilità sulla curatela. Pare ci stia riuscendo this time too. It is not a genius, are the fans who continue to have faith.
Curation not accept. Not even if they do anything this time and risks of novantenario Salernitana without (or with a Salernitana (?) That is involved with it) grow. In every respect it is fortunate. The only advantage would be the unification of the fans grenade (or purple?) With those few remaining fans of Salernitana Sport. But there is more and more serious. Accept the offer in this way, as pointed out by Spiezia, would this person find his feet after a evenuale and hypothetical failure of his company. How many times have we said and heard that Salerno Salerno is the? With this bold move, the team of our fathers could become a private affair of the Valais. Worth more confidence?
Curation not accept. Not even if they do anything this time and risks of novantenario Salernitana without (or with a Salernitana (?) That is involved with it) grow. In every respect it is fortunate. The only advantage would be the unification of the fans grenade (or purple?) With those few remaining fans of Salernitana Sport. But there is more and more serious. Accept the offer in this way, as pointed out by Spiezia, would this person find his feet after a evenuale and hypothetical failure of his company. How many times have we said and heard that Salerno Salerno is the? With this bold move, the team of our fathers could become a private affair of the Valais. Worth more confidence?
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Iron Fence Dog Escapes
A chi rivuole la Salernitana Sport: diserzione contro l'usurpazione!
For several days the time has come the new year. In about a month Scocchera the time of the third year. The third year without Salernitana. The last match was a friendly match with the Toronto Capezzano. The nostalgia is strong. Stronger still is the determination not to recognize a daughter Illegitima. A daughter incestuous conceived in the town of Salerno. The request for the Lodo Petrucci departed from City Hall. This unique, unknown to most, is the confirmation that many of the exemplary Salerno that counts (and that only counts in it) has been instrumental in the mortification of our team. From there, the dinner at the Hotel Baia members of the hip. A toast to our exclusion. A toast to the false history of being regarded as saviors of the football Salerno.
After three long years of inactivity, Salerno has not returned the stolen goods. On 19 January the auction for the brand will promptly deserted. The illogical market movements Salernitana (?) Football 1919 (?) Stun grenade that part of the fans (or purple?) Who demand the return of Salerno. The journalism class, which filters reality, has already starting to cover the issue with the bogeyman of the category. Desertion, humbly suggested by this very small window only to those who, while desiring Salernitana, still gives confidence to those who do not deserve it, is the first real step in his return.
The next step will occur without feigning the true state of health of Salerno (?) Football 1919 (?). This movement, aware that Salerno would be reborn in it, hopes to be healthy and long lasting. But the hope is not supported by what reason suggests. Disturbs the previous Messina. Turba a way to market expensive and pejorative. Disturb the absence of a president, the interests of managers and to Arechi incinerator and the knowledge that the bailouts will end. All this over one real certainty. The clarity is so little that Salerno would seriously go back to being a prisoner of the court if it is detected by the potential buyer more than expected.
We should note well the purchase of the brand and the establishment of a new "society", or the purchase of the brand and the 'acquisition' of a different sports title, can secure without a doubt the most secure and dignified revival. Sure, because remote from the uncertainties of Salerno (?) Football 1919 (?). Decent, because you can not ask to revive Salernitana who has enjoyed for its exclusion and has humiliated her story four times. It's not fair that this person the honor of becoming the proprietor of Salerno.
We should note well the purchase of the brand and the establishment of a new "society", or the purchase of the brand and the 'acquisition' of a different sports title, can secure without a doubt the most secure and dignified revival. Sure, because remote from the uncertainties of Salerno (?) Football 1919 (?). Decent, because you can not ask to revive Salernitana who has enjoyed for its exclusion and has humiliated her story four times. It's not fair that this person the honor of becoming the proprietor of Salerno.
causes no progress. Our team of lawyers have repeatedly asked in vain for the recovery. The fans can be heard recently. The proprietor took the opportunity to convey its brand, which promises to replace television, but the budget says it wants to exploit. There would be any third party. Buy the brand is certainly a bargain. What deters them is completely hostile environment that would, beginning with the political. It 'so obvious, not two thousand and nine will be the year of Salerno. Only the fans could change this course. There is only the first step. E 'desertion dell'Arechi. Today the choice as it sounds never needed: 2009 is the year of the ninetieth anniversary. Celebrating another team would be yet another outrage. Happy New Year to all, waiting for the novantenario ...
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