Sin da quando stated that it would certainly be saved to fifty points despite having a dozen or less, the proprietor opened the catchphrase of the conference. The formuletta has become a loophole to skirt the issue on applications are not aligned (few) and to discharge the responsibility to decide on the others (many). There the technical side, we wondered if those who willingly delegation is at least partly responsible. But none of our business. As there was about the press conference itself, had not become a political issue. Exactly. The return to the eighties darkest was sealed by the shift of the date after the elections. Not sure why the floral decorations of the pulpit from which to speak ra days to be arranged. But who would have paid? And who would have commissioned them? The proprietor thinks he is the proprietor of an institution (of the year two thousand). It considers the balance of administrative and procrastinate the "address to the nation" (Scapaticci, Lira Tv) for the provincial poor. A little 'town, a bit' in your head, you can breathe the air of the antechamber of a declaration of war. A statement by a solemn proclamation of the window of the Palazzo ... Vallo della Lucania, usually long after the chariot in triumph because of holes in the budget. But who ... break the kidneys this time? What delicious reveal confidences? Trembling, a fact we already know: what follows will be silent. The "savior of soccer in Salem, if they remain in the saddle, shamelessly celebrate our novantenario. I will confess without much, if not the nation, even to the city and the province not only inconvenient time of elections, and if you remember, has never been any grenade. When he addresses the fans, it should be that the sensitivity to our history is quite clear. When talking with the judges, however, the story changes. As the face. Here is his deception to the detriment of those who, by the year two thousand, following the fortunes of Salerno (?) Football 1919 (?), He plans to cheer for the team which, at present, lacking only a little drawing-shaped hippocampus printed on the jersey . The document che segue è la risposta che l’ex presidente della neo-costituita società (oggi è institore) diede alla Salernitana Sport. L'occasione fu la diffida di quest'ultima dall’utilizzo di una denominazione sociale troppo simile alla sua, che avrebbe ingenerato confusione nella tifoseria al momento di identificare il club che aveva sempre sostenuto. La specialità di questa "carta" è che attraverso di essa apprendiamo, per ammissione espressa dell’institore, che il club che ha fondato quattro anni fa non ha niente a che vedere con la Salernitana Sport. In particolare egli ritiene che la tifoseria non potrà mai confondere la nuova squadra con quella che ha come simbolo l’ippocampo. Ciò sia in virtù dell’utilizzo opposite of the adjective "Salerno" in the word "Football" and year "1919" in the name and by virtue of the presence in their own brand of "football", known to history as a ball of rags.

Well we know, however, that the facts were completely different. It could not be otherwise. To the point that today, just days before the birthday of Salerno, with the support of a topic that misinformation is rampant, not just those fans all'institore seeking to celebrate an anniversary that is not his and that he has never belonged.
Not to mention us simple fans. To motivate a judge, Petruzziello, of the section on industrial and intellectual property of the court of Naples. In order excerpt attached below, refers to the difference between Real Madrid and Atletico Madrid. Power of the brand. How can you support Real to Atletico fans? How can you go from Rome to Lazio?

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