continue the deepening of design, art and social assistance, indicating a particular job and truly remarkable. Originator of the project is the agency of communication Happiness Brussels with originality that has fielded an action noble and good for the environment.
We all remember, unfortunately, the destruction took place last April 26 off the coast of Louisiana. Yet another environmental disaster caused by man and that the business lobby (British Petroleum) mercilessly that endanger the lives and survival of the planet.
To raise funds to manage this disaster, the agency has asked the British designer Anthony Burrill to create a limited edition of 200 hand-screenprinted poster, to be sold online.
The peculiarity of the project is that the posters are printed using the tar collected on the shores of Louisiana, they have written a very simple, didactic, but provocative "OIL AND WATER DO NOT MIX, which can raise the awareness by devoting more attention to the environment. Here's the video of
preparazione delle opere:
Tutti i benefits vanno allorganizzazione non-profit Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana
Se avessi un'agenzia di comunicazione potente, mi inventerei qualcosa del genere anche per Napoli. Invece di elemosinare soldi e discariche alle altre regioni, magari sarebbe bello cercare il modo di guadagnare sostegno economico in modo creativo, tramite il riciclo dei cumuli di munnezza sparsi in giro. Semmai questo post giungesse agli occhi di qualche artista nostrano che volesse cogliere la sfida, io sono a disposizione per collaborare! :D
[Povera me, questo blog è sempre più utopico]
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Make My Nails Grow Faster
one thing leads to ...
Da cosa nasce cosa, claim pubblicitario o moderna interpretazione della legge di Lavoisier, "nulla si crea, nulla si distrugge?"
Beh, la risposta è sempre la stessa, anche se molti non sembra che se ne accorgano: "TUTTO SI TRASFORMA".
Il desiderio di parlare di design sostenibile e derivato da materiale riciclato è ovviamente frutto dello scempio ambientale che stiamo vivendo noi campani. La necessità di ricorrere a discariche ed inceneritori è solo insinuata nei cervelli della massa, in realtà si potrebbe ovviare tale problema con trattamenti specifici di compostaggio dell'organico e una raccolta differenziata responsabile.
Ecco delle creazioni made up of designers, working with totally recycled material.
The first proposal was devised by the creative mind of an Italian designer Giulio Patrizi .
"The ECO PA (n) CKS street furniture are fun, colorful, sometimes strict but still functional and, of course, eco-friendly because it totally made with materials derived from waste collection and recycling of steel, aluminum, paper, wood, plastic and glass (even if in different percentages). ECO-PA (n) CK called Matchbox, Cloud, uRbik, Favelas, Floating Paper, Retro, six benches made from recycled materials and donated to 21 Italian cities from CONAI Tuteta and the Ministry of the Environment and the Sea. "
Another fun and useful example comes from Reversible , a French company that, as stated clearly its slogan" Eco design ", is dedicated to the manufacturing of environmentally sustainable design, that is not just recycled but recyclable .
Reversible princiapalmente using the PVC sheets of billboards that would go down the drain, to create home accessories (like lamps or ottoman) or accessories (Such as bags) only, as each piece is different from another.
objects would not be nice to give to Christmas? And while
, utopian monster on this blog that you could create a different sound, but here is a movie of the reality of my city. We hope that the mobilization town sensitize people as possible. With prayers for the dissemination and participation.
Da cosa nasce cosa, claim pubblicitario o moderna interpretazione della legge di Lavoisier, "nulla si crea, nulla si distrugge?"
Beh, la risposta è sempre la stessa, anche se molti non sembra che se ne accorgano: "TUTTO SI TRASFORMA".
Il desiderio di parlare di design sostenibile e derivato da materiale riciclato è ovviamente frutto dello scempio ambientale che stiamo vivendo noi campani. La necessità di ricorrere a discariche ed inceneritori è solo insinuata nei cervelli della massa, in realtà si potrebbe ovviare tale problema con trattamenti specifici di compostaggio dell'organico e una raccolta differenziata responsabile.
Ecco delle creazioni made up of designers, working with totally recycled material.
The first proposal was devised by the creative mind of an Italian designer Giulio Patrizi .
"The ECO PA (n) CKS street furniture are fun, colorful, sometimes strict but still functional and, of course, eco-friendly because it totally made with materials derived from waste collection and recycling of steel, aluminum, paper, wood, plastic and glass (even if in different percentages). ECO-PA (n) CK called Matchbox, Cloud, uRbik, Favelas, Floating Paper, Retro, six benches made from recycled materials and donated to 21 Italian cities from CONAI Tuteta and the Ministry of the Environment and the Sea. "
Another fun and useful example comes from Reversible , a French company that, as stated clearly its slogan" Eco design ", is dedicated to the manufacturing of environmentally sustainable design, that is not just recycled but recyclable .
Reversible princiapalmente using the PVC sheets of billboards that would go down the drain, to create home accessories (like lamps or ottoman) or accessories (Such as bags) only, as each piece is different from another.
objects would not be nice to give to Christmas? And while
, utopian monster on this blog that you could create a different sound, but here is a movie of the reality of my city. We hope that the mobilization town sensitize people as possible. With prayers for the dissemination and participation.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wireless Rhinestone Mouse
Dialogue of Nature and an Icelander
Today I am a bit of the race to devote more bolg active, but I take this opportunity to post one of the works that have most influenced my training. I will never forget my Professor of Italian and Latin, his passion and that made me because Partaccia always distracted!
Dialogue of Nature and an Icelander
Today I am a bit of the race to devote more bolg active, but I take this opportunity to post one of the works that have most influenced my training. I will never forget my Professor of Italian and Latin, his passion and that made me because Partaccia always distracted!
Dialogue of Nature and an Icelander
an Icelander, who had run for most of the world, and stayed in very different lands, going once to the interior of Africa, and passing under the equator in a place never before penetrated by any man, had a case similar to what happened to Vasco de Gama in passing the Cape of Good Hope, when the same head, guardian of the southern seas, he is fece incontro, sotto forma di gigante, per distorlo dal tentare quelle nuove acque. Vide da lontano un busto grandissimo; che da principio immaginò dovere essere di pietra, e a somiglianza degli ermi colossali veduti da lui, molti anni prima, nell’isola di Pasqua. Ma fattosi più da vicino, trovò che era una forma smisurata di donna seduta in terra, col busto ritto, appoggiato il dosso e il gomito a una montagna; e non finta ma viva; di volto mezzo tra bello e terribile, di occhi e di capelli nerissimi; la quale guardavalo fissamente; e stata così un buono spazio senza parlare, all’ultimo gli disse.
Natura. Chi sei? che cerchi in questi luoghi dove la tua specie era incognita?
Icelandic. I am a poor Icelander, who fled vo Nature, and fuggitala most of the time of my life for one hundred shares of land, run away now for this.
Nature. So the squirrel runs away from a rattle snake, until he falls into gorge by himself. I am the one you shun.
Icelandic. Nature?
Nature. Not others.
Icelandic. I am sorry to the soul, and I hold it for certain that most of this mishap I could not occur.
Nature. Well you could think that I attend especially those parts; not ignore where it is shown that more than anywhere else, for my power. But what was that you moved to shun me?
Icelandic. You must know that I am up in early youth, a few experiments, I was convinced of the vanity of life and light, and the foolishness of men who constantly fighting one with another for the purchase of pleasures that delight, and goods that are undesirable, bearing one another and causes endless worries , and countless evils, and that rush knuckle effect, the more you move away from happiness, the more trying.
Icelandic. I am a poor Icelander, who fled vo Nature, and fuggitala most of the time of my life for one hundred shares of land, run away now for this.
Nature. So the squirrel runs away from a rattle snake, until he falls into gorge by himself. I am the one you shun.
Icelandic. Nature?
Nature. Not others.
Icelandic. I am sorry to the soul, and I hold it for certain that most of this mishap I could not occur.
Nature. Well you could think that I attend especially those parts; not ignore where it is shown that more than anywhere else, for my power. But what was that you moved to shun me?
Icelandic. You must know that I am up in early youth, a few experiments, I was convinced of the vanity of life and light, and the foolishness of men who constantly fighting one with another for the purchase of pleasures that delight, and goods that are undesirable, bearing one another and causes endless worries , and countless evils, and that rush knuckle effect, the more you move away from happiness, the more trying.
For these reasons, placed every other desire, resolutions, giving no trouble to anyone do not provide any way to move forward in my state, not contending with others for no good in the world, living a dark and quiet; and desperate for pleasure, as something denied to our species, I suggested that other care to keep me away from suffering. By that I mean that I thought to abstain from the occupations and fatigues the body: that you know what a difference to the discomfort and fatigue, and live the quiet life idle. And in the very first to implement this resolution, he knew how to test and space to think, if you live among men of power, not offending anyone, to escape that others do not offend you, and giving more spontaneous and happy slightest in all things, you get whatever is left a place, and that these impairments do not be resisted. But the harassment of men freed myself easily detaches from their society, and reducing loneliness, something that you can bring my native island effect without difficulty. Without this, and living without verun'immagine almost of pleasure, but I could not maintain without suffering, because the length of winter, the intensity of the cold, extreme zeal of state, which are qualities of that place, I am troubled continuous and fire, at which I agreed to spend a great deal of time, m'inaridiva meat, and tore her eyes with smoke so that, either at home or in the open, I could save a perpetual discomfort. Nor could also preserve the tranquility of life, which were mainly directed my thoughts: Why the terrible storms of sea and land, the roars and threats of Mount Ecla, suspicion degl'incendi, frequent the hotels, such as ours, made of wood, do not ever bother me intermettevano .
All such inconvenience in a life that conforms to itself, and stripped of any other desire and hope, and almost every other concern, that of being quiet, just not able to moment, and much more serious elle wont appear when most of our minds is occupied by thoughts of civil life, and the hardships that come from men. For much more that I saw that I almost shrink shrank into myself, in order to prevent my being that did not give any trouble or damage to property in the world, I was not that other things do not m'inquietassero and troubles, I began to change his locations and climates, to see if any part of the earth could not offend not be offended, and not enjoying not suffer.
And this resolution was also moved by a thought that I was born, that maybe you had not intended to mankind if not only the climate of the earth (as you did to each of the other kinds of animals, and those of plants) and some such places, out of which men could not prosper or live without difficoltà e miseria; da dover essere imputate, non a te, ma solo a essi medesimi, quando eglino avessero disprezzati e trapassati i termini che fossero prescritti per le tue leggi alle abitazioni umane. Quasi tutto il mondo ho cercato, e fatta esperienza di quasi tutti i paesi; sempre osservando il mio proposito, di non dar molestia alle altre creature, se non il meno che io potessi, e di procurare la sola tranquillità della vita. Ma io sono stato arso dal caldo fra i tropici, rappreso dal freddo verso i poli, afflitto nei climi temperati dall’incostanza dell’aria, infestato dalle commozioni degli elementi in ogni dove.
And this resolution was also moved by a thought that I was born, that maybe you had not intended to mankind if not only the climate of the earth (as you did to each of the other kinds of animals, and those of plants) and some such places, out of which men could not prosper or live without difficoltà e miseria; da dover essere imputate, non a te, ma solo a essi medesimi, quando eglino avessero disprezzati e trapassati i termini che fossero prescritti per le tue leggi alle abitazioni umane. Quasi tutto il mondo ho cercato, e fatta esperienza di quasi tutti i paesi; sempre osservando il mio proposito, di non dar molestia alle altre creature, se non il meno che io potessi, e di procurare la sola tranquillità della vita. Ma io sono stato arso dal caldo fra i tropici, rappreso dal freddo verso i poli, afflitto nei climi temperati dall’incostanza dell’aria, infestato dalle commozioni degli elementi in ogni dove.
Più luoghi ho veduto, nei which does not pass a day without timeline: that is to say that you give each day of an assault and a fight made to those people, not guilty of nessun'ingiuria to you. In other places the ordinary serenity of the sky is compensated by the frequency of earthquakes, from the multitude and the fury of the volcanoes, bubbling from the underground all over the country. Winds and whirlwinds unbridled reign in parts and in the other seasons quiet air rage. This time I've heard the collapse of the roof over his head for the great load of snow, at other times, the abundance of rain the same ground, cracking, I have dispersed under the foot, I sometimes feel is a need to escape all lena rivers, which followed me as if I were guilty of some injustice towards them. Many wild beasts, not caused by me with a slightest offense, I wanted to eat, many poison snakes, in different places is not just flying insects that I have consumed unto the bone. I leave the daily dangers, man always imminent, and infinite in number, so that an ancient philosopher is not against the fear, the most valuable consideration other remedy that everything is to be feared. Neither the illness I have forgiven him with everything I had, as yet, do not say temperate continent but the pleasures of the body. I wont take no small wonder considering that you Have we instilled and a lot of stops and insatiable greed for pleasure, which is inseparable from our lives as free of what she wants, of course, is something imperfect, and other party has ordered the use of it is almost like all things human the most harmful to the strength and health of the body, the most calamitous in its effects as to set each person, and more opposed to the durability of life itself. But in any way, and almost always totally abstaining from all pleasure, I could not do not run into many different diseases, some of which I have placed in danger of death, others to lose the use of any State, or to lead a life perpetually poor that the past, and all for several days or months, I have oppressed the body and soul with a thousand hardships and a thousand sorrows. And certainly, even though each of us to experience in time of illness, new evils for him or disuse, and greater unhappiness that he usually does not (as if human life is not sufficient for the ordinary miserable) you have not given to man , compensarnelo for some time soprabbondante Health and unusual, which is the cause of some pleasure extraordinary quality and size.
Ne 'countries covered mostly with snow, I was blinded for: as happens routinely in the Sami homeland. From the sun and air, things vital and necessary to our lives, and therefore they can not escape, we are insulted constantly and from this wet glue, glue stiffness, and other provisions, the one with the heat, and with the same light : so that man can never without some major or minor inconvenience or damage, to sit exposed to one or other of them.
In the end, I do not remember having spent a single day of life without some pain, if I can not enumerate the ones I've eaten without even a hint of enjoyment: I avveggo us so much that it is intended and must suffer the , because the did not enjoy, so impossible to live the quiet in what way it is, how to live without restless misery and I resolve to conclude that you are discovering the enemy's men and other animals, and all thy works, which now threatens c'insidii now we now we assaults hours spur us now we strike now we ragged, and always there or offend or persecute us, and that, and to institute suit, you're the executioner of your own family, thy sons' and, so to speak, of your blood and your bowels. Therefore I remain devoid of any hope that the men end up having understood to persecute anyone who flees or hides with real desire to flee or hide himself, but that you, on no occasion, never let go of pursue us, until we are oppressed. And now I see myself next time bitter and mournful of old age, true and manifest evil, rather a combination of very serious evils and misery, and however this is not accidental, but for you to read all kinds of 'living expected by each of us up in childhood, and he prepared all the time, the fifth its luster in there with a sad decline and lose without his fault, so that just one third of human life is assigned to flourish, a few moments to maturity and perfection, the remainder at the end, and agl'incomodi that follow.
Nature. Perhaps you imagined that the world was made because of you? We now know that the invoices, negli ordini e nelle operazioni mie, trattone pochissime, sempre ebbi ed ho l’intenzione a tutt’altro che alla felicità degli uomini o all’infelicità. Quando io vi offendo in qualunque modo e con qual si sia mezzo, io non me n’avveggo, se non rarissime volte: come, ordinariamente, se io vi diletto o vi benefico, io non lo so; e non ho fatto, come credete voi, quelle tali cose, o non fo quelle tali azioni, per dilettarvi o giovarvi. E finalmente, se anche mi avvenisse di estinguere tutta la vostra specie, io non me ne avvedrei.
Islandese. Ponghiamo caso che uno m’invitasse spontaneamente a una sua villa, con grande instanza; e io per compiacerlo vi andassi. Quivi mi fosse dato per dimorare all torn up and damaging a cell, where I was in constant danger of being crushed, wet, stinking, open to the wind and rain. He does not linger to take care of any pastime or give me any comfort, on the contrary, as I did give the bisognevole to sustain them, and leave me over this villaneggiare, taunt, threaten and beat from 'his sons, and by 'other family. If I suing him for this bad treatment, answer me: maybe I did this house for you? I keep these or my children and my people, for your service? and, well all I have to think of 'your amusements, and to get you the best costs, and to this reply: See, my friend, that because you did not build this house for my use, so it was not in your power to invitarmici. But since you wanted me to voluntarily staying there, they will not he belongs to make sure that I, as it is in your power, at least we live safely and without labor? So I say now. I know that you have not made the world in the service of men. Rather believe that I did and ordered specifically to haunt him.
Islandese. Ponghiamo caso che uno m’invitasse spontaneamente a una sua villa, con grande instanza; e io per compiacerlo vi andassi. Quivi mi fosse dato per dimorare all torn up and damaging a cell, where I was in constant danger of being crushed, wet, stinking, open to the wind and rain. He does not linger to take care of any pastime or give me any comfort, on the contrary, as I did give the bisognevole to sustain them, and leave me over this villaneggiare, taunt, threaten and beat from 'his sons, and by 'other family. If I suing him for this bad treatment, answer me: maybe I did this house for you? I keep these or my children and my people, for your service? and, well all I have to think of 'your amusements, and to get you the best costs, and to this reply: See, my friend, that because you did not build this house for my use, so it was not in your power to invitarmici. But since you wanted me to voluntarily staying there, they will not he belongs to make sure that I, as it is in your power, at least we live safely and without labor? So I say now. I know that you have not made the world in the service of men. Rather believe that I did and ordered specifically to haunt him.
Now I ask: have I prayed to myself maybe in this universe? or I will have interfered violently, and against your will? But if you will, and without my knowledge, and so that I could not sconsentirlo né ripugnarlo, tu stessa, colle tue mani, mi vi hai collocato; non è egli dunque ufficio tuo, se non tenermi lieto e contento in questo tuo regno, almeno vietare che io non vi sia tribolato e straziato, e che l’abitarvi non mi noccia? E questo che dico di me, dicolo di tutto il genere umano, dicolo degli altri animali e di ogni creatura.
Natura. Tu mostri non aver posto mente che la vita di quest’universo è un perpetuo circuito di produzione e distruzione, collegate ambedue tra sé di maniera, che ciascheduna serve continuamente all’altra, ed alla conservazione del mondo; il quale sempre che cessasse o l’una o l’altra di loro, verrebbe parimente in dissoluzione. Per tanto risulterebbe in its loss if it was in him anything free from suffering.
Icelandic. Cotesta hear the same reasoning to all philosophers. But since what is destroyed, suffering, and what destroys it, does not, and just go is likewise destroyed, tell me what no philosopher can tell me: who likes or who benefits Cotesta unhappy life of the universe, preserved with injury and with the death of all the things that make it up? While they were in these and similar arguments is known that arrived two lions, and so finished dall'inedia waste paper, which had just strength to eat quell'Islandese, as they did, and presone a little refreshment, he kept alive for that day. But are those who deny this caso, e narrano che un fierissimo vento, levatosi mentre che l’Islandese parlava, lo stese a terra, e sopra gli edificò un superbissimo mausoleo di sabbia: sotto il quale colui diseccato perfettamente, e divenuto una bella mummia, fu poi ritrovato da certi viaggiatori, e collocato nel museo di non so quale città di Europa.
Natura. Tu mostri non aver posto mente che la vita di quest’universo è un perpetuo circuito di produzione e distruzione, collegate ambedue tra sé di maniera, che ciascheduna serve continuamente all’altra, ed alla conservazione del mondo; il quale sempre che cessasse o l’una o l’altra di loro, verrebbe parimente in dissoluzione. Per tanto risulterebbe in its loss if it was in him anything free from suffering.
Icelandic. Cotesta hear the same reasoning to all philosophers. But since what is destroyed, suffering, and what destroys it, does not, and just go is likewise destroyed, tell me what no philosopher can tell me: who likes or who benefits Cotesta unhappy life of the universe, preserved with injury and with the death of all the things that make it up? While they were in these and similar arguments is known that arrived two lions, and so finished dall'inedia waste paper, which had just strength to eat quell'Islandese, as they did, and presone a little refreshment, he kept alive for that day. But are those who deny this caso, e narrano che un fierissimo vento, levatosi mentre che l’Islandese parlava, lo stese a terra, e sopra gli edificò un superbissimo mausoleo di sabbia: sotto il quale colui diseccato perfettamente, e divenuto una bella mummia, fu poi ritrovato da certi viaggiatori, e collocato nel museo di non so quale città di Europa.
G.LEOPARDI, Le operette morali
Il dialogo è un pò lungo, ma fate uno sforzo per coglierne l’attualità.
Quell’inquietudine esistenziale tipicamente romantica c’è ancora oggi negli uomini e riemerge ogni volta in cui la natura fa valere se stessa, distruggendo in un attimo l’operato umano.
Il mio pensiero va al terremoto dell’Irpinia di trent’anni fa, all’Aquila ancora da ricostruire, allo Strilanka, ad Haiti e ovunque le persone siano state toccate da eventi del genere.
Quanto siamo piccoli nell’universo.
Quell’inquietudine esistenziale tipicamente romantica c’è ancora oggi negli uomini e riemerge ogni volta in cui la natura fa valere se stessa, distruggendo in un attimo l’operato umano.
Il mio pensiero va al terremoto dell’Irpinia di trent’anni fa, all’Aquila ancora da ricostruire, allo Strilanka, ad Haiti e ovunque le persone siano state toccate da eventi del genere.
Quanto siamo piccoli nell’universo.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Play And Save Pokemon Red Online
Bertallot sounds Dali
Ritorno all'"ordine caotico" con un post meno impegnato e che probabilmente riporterà i miei lettori ad una media di 50 click e non 375 come quelli raggiungi ieri. Ma la causa è importante e tentar non nuoce, quindi chi vuole darmi e darsi una mano, può andare a spulciare nell'archivio. ;)
Ricordiamo tutti the song "Disco Labyrinth" Subsonica? It was 2000, I was a fan of the Turin group and the album in question was the lucky "Microchip emotional." Today, for me, I changed my musical tastes a little bit, but the piece came to mind for me is the video that accompanied it. This, as explained in the introduction, was intended to offer some sort of version of "visual music, can also be accessed by people with hearing disabilities, so that the song was transformed into a kind of musical experiment.
few days ago, La Repubblica (yes, I admit that I read the papers, but especially online) I found an interesting experiment as I am concerned that more closely because it leads in the visual arts.
the exhibition of Milan, Palazzo Reale, Alessandra Bertallot & co. have devised an alternative way to bring the exhibition to the public of radio and sound art exhibition that you can listen on the radio or see on the web.
Here for you some links to videos that will make you feel better the magic words that descrvono the magic of art, unfortunately, the contents are not visible in unofficial channels, such as blogs ...
Beccatevi links: Bertallot DALI PLAYS, PART ONE and Bertallot DALI PLAYS, PART TWO
transmission Alessio Bertallot airs from Monday to Friday at 22.30 on Radio 2.
Ritorno all'"ordine caotico" con un post meno impegnato e che probabilmente riporterà i miei lettori ad una media di 50 click e non 375 come quelli raggiungi ieri. Ma la causa è importante e tentar non nuoce, quindi chi vuole darmi e darsi una mano, può andare a spulciare nell'archivio. ;)
Ricordiamo tutti the song "Disco Labyrinth" Subsonica? It was 2000, I was a fan of the Turin group and the album in question was the lucky "Microchip emotional." Today, for me, I changed my musical tastes a little bit, but the piece came to mind for me is the video that accompanied it. This, as explained in the introduction, was intended to offer some sort of version of "visual music, can also be accessed by people with hearing disabilities, so that the song was transformed into a kind of musical experiment.
few days ago, La Repubblica (yes, I admit that I read the papers, but especially online) I found an interesting experiment as I am concerned that more closely because it leads in the visual arts.
the exhibition of Milan, Palazzo Reale, Alessandra Bertallot & co. have devised an alternative way to bring the exhibition to the public of radio and sound art exhibition that you can listen on the radio or see on the web.
Here for you some links to videos that will make you feel better the magic words that descrvono the magic of art, unfortunately, the contents are not visible in unofficial channels, such as blogs ...
Beccatevi links: Bertallot DALI PLAYS, PART ONE and Bertallot DALI PLAYS, PART TWO
transmission Alessio Bertallot airs from Monday to Friday at 22.30 on Radio 2.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
South Park Free Episodes Quick Time
Bondeghedeghdeghe Bondeghebò
Bondi: "I do not deserve to resign." But there is no need to make compliments. [Orio] http://www.spinoza.it/
Monday 29 to the chamber's vote of confidence in the Minister of Culture, motion and promoted dall'IDV PD after the tragic collapse of the Domus of the Gladiators at Pompeii. The event is just the classic "straw that broke the camel's back" as what is in dispute is the whole the cultural politics of our country, totally inadequate to the possibilities and potential historic cultural image.
Bondi, is not only totally unprepared for major issues (skills buck on Pompeii, silence and frost on the collapse of a sanctuary of the fifteenth century in Gela, not renewed, the renewal of tax credits and tax shelters and the shelf of Fas for cinema and entertainment, etc..) but completely ignores the needs and achievements of world art and entertainment. Gomorrah?? Admitted that he saw, for he is a film and Sorrentino, said Guzzanti yesterday evening to "Come away with me" if he saw a painting by Fontana, look for vandals who have torn ...
Partl Not the usual scandals Palace: daily fresh news
We have no right of reply, but maybe if we unite we can try to collect a large number of signatures and CV, be sent to newspapers, webzines, websites ...
Let's leave our name in the comments to the post on my blog sister and we see that number reach!
Also, if you're in the industry, send your CV to ministro.cisiamo @ gmail.com !! E'ora to make us feel!
Bondi: "I do not deserve to resign." But there is no need to make compliments. [Orio] http://www.spinoza.it/
Bondi, is not only totally unprepared for major issues (skills buck on Pompeii, silence and frost on the collapse of a sanctuary of the fifteenth century in Gela, not renewed, the renewal of tax credits and tax shelters and the shelf of Fas for cinema and entertainment, etc..) but completely ignores the needs and achievements of world art and entertainment. Gomorrah?? Admitted that he saw, for he is a film and Sorrentino, said Guzzanti yesterday evening to "Come away with me" if he saw a painting by Fontana, look for vandals who have torn ...
Partl Not the usual scandals Palace: daily fresh news
We have no right of reply, but maybe if we unite we can try to collect a large number of signatures and CV, be sent to newspapers, webzines, websites ...
Let's leave our name in the comments to the post on my blog sister and we see that number reach!
Also, if you're in the industry, send your CV to ministro.cisiamo @ gmail.com !! E'ora to make us feel!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
How To Remove Fluid Retention
Premio Celeste, Paula & Fred Win! Bauhaus
Those of you familiar with the heavenly reward?
"The CELESTIAL NETWORK is a web international, in which contemporary artists and art professionals who share their common interests, promote their work, and adhere to cultural projects in a community active and stimulating. "
In addition to the digital, there is also the practical aspect: the Committee of Heavenly Prize, organizes annual exhibitions, books and awards, both in Italian, as well as internationally.
E ', in short, an excellent springboard for young contemporary artists!
I will not elaborate on the modalities of participation and selection of the works, but it seems fair to say that the selections of the works have been curated by a scientific committee composed of 20 prominent figures, among critics and curators, including the curators of the Project Room, Mother of Naples, Adriana Rispoli and Eugenio Viola.
Instead, in the case ruled that the jury's verdict, it is chaired by Gabi Scardi and Julia Draganovic (former curator of the PAN) and had the burden of collecting the votes cast by the same forty artists in the race for the final.
Last night at the Foundation Brodback of Catania, were declared the winners, one for each category.
There are too partisan to present all as they deserve, so we mark the work won the "Video & Animation "by Paula Maddaluno Sunday and Alfredo!
Here is a frame from the video:
Those of you familiar with the heavenly reward?
"The CELESTIAL NETWORK is a web international, in which contemporary artists and art professionals who share their common interests, promote their work, and adhere to cultural projects in a community active and stimulating. "
In addition to the digital, there is also the practical aspect: the Committee of Heavenly Prize, organizes annual exhibitions, books and awards, both in Italian, as well as internationally.
E ', in short, an excellent springboard for young contemporary artists!
I will not elaborate on the modalities of participation and selection of the works, but it seems fair to say that the selections of the works have been curated by a scientific committee composed of 20 prominent figures, among critics and curators, including the curators of the Project Room, Mother of Naples, Adriana Rispoli and Eugenio Viola.
Instead, in the case ruled that the jury's verdict, it is chaired by Gabi Scardi and Julia Draganovic (former curator of the PAN) and had the burden of collecting the votes cast by the same forty artists in the race for the final.
Last night at the Foundation Brodback of Catania, were declared the winners, one for each category.
There are too partisan to present all as they deserve, so we mark the work won the "Video & Animation "by Paula Maddaluno Sunday and Alfredo!
Here is a frame from the video:
Video, Sacred Mythology, Film, 4:3, 0Minuti50Secondi, 2010
Notes on the work:
On the bedside of a bedroom of a low Neapolitan reveals an overwhelming truth: even in Naples, a city in which religious worship has always been a ray of hope and salvation, the skepticism of modern society is forcing religious icons to a dimension of self-sufficiency. Written and directed by Paula Sunday & Produced by Alfredo Maddaluno
lab DIY (2010) - all rights reserved
lab DIY (2010) - all rights reserved
E 'portrait of an apparent religiosity, treated with irony and humor in order to provoke a critical reflection on' contemporary man and the values \u200b\u200bof which is the mouthpiece. Little Virgin Mother, is even forced to dust the glass globe alone and be independent of man who created the image by transforming it in his own image, in the background while running a classic Neapolitan song, which denotes its reference context .
Paola was also in the final photo with a great work, which has already earned the victory of the Arts Award 2010. The work in question is called "Factory" (from "That's all, folks!" Project). Here it is:
As the artist says:
"Factory" is the mother of the photo-series "That's all, folks!" And the place where each of us constructs a "himself" to be presented to the world, falling further to the individual and not human but a "product" of society.
Other winners of the seventh edition of the Heavenly Bisotti are Laura, Mario Rossi and Quiet Ensemble pe r categories painting, photography and digital graphics, sculpture and performance.
As for Paola and Alfredo, many compliments!
And good luck for the Celeste International Prize 2010 New York!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Best Ps3 Blu-ray Settings Black Bars
Since yesterday I have dwelt in a lengthy post and socially engaged, not to seem too heavy, now back with his feet and head in the clouds a little further on.
is brought to you an exceptional site, since the name
Bauhaus 2 your house is a portal that allows to buy large pieces of furniture inspired by the Bauhaus designer and beyond.
style that it offers us, we can go back in time, and "live" through reproductions, taste utopia born within the Weimar Republic, straordianria opportunity for experimentation and testing of the elements that became part of the concept of the New Objectivity.
The influence of Gropius, Meyer and the influence of De Stijl is recognizable pieces of furniture that you can order to decorate your apartment.
would be great to be able to furnish a house with an interior like that! Small, big flaw: the prices ... and so you can not help but make up by Ikea! (Dealing
Bauhaus 2 your house is a portal that allows to buy large pieces of furniture inspired by the Bauhaus designer and beyond.
style that it offers us, we can go back in time, and "live" through reproductions, taste utopia born within the Weimar Republic, straordianria opportunity for experimentation and testing of the elements that became part of the concept of the New Objectivity.
The influence of Gropius, Meyer and the influence of De Stijl is recognizable pieces of furniture that you can order to decorate your apartment.
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Rietveld chair |
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Mies Van der Rohe small cocktail table |
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Sofa Gropius |
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Marshmellow Sofa - Nelson |
this topic made me think of an artist who I had the pleasure of meeting last year, while T293 working in the gallery. Her name is Helen Marten, born in 1985 ... I assure you that it is a very nice and mad creative genius. He created many works inspired by the Bauhaus, but reinventing them in a way personlissimo and punk.
Here is a "Chair Rietveld"
This however, does to the couch "Marshmellow" Nelson. What a beautiful site booths??
Queste due opere erano esposte per la mostra "Wicked Patterns", la mia prima mostra vissuta dall'interno di una galleria!
L'ultima immagine che vi mostro è sempre del repertorio di Helen e ben esemplifica il suo rapporto con i padri del Bauhaus. Si intitola FUCK THE BAUHAUS
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Helen Marten, Fuck the Bauhaus, 2009 |
Per maggiori info su Helen Marten: http://helenmarten.weebly.com/
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Gay Sauna In Greensboro Nc
Wicked "Caro" Sallusti ...
No fascist centralism has managed to do what he did the centralization of a consumer society. Fascism proposed a model, reactionary and monumental, but it remained a dead letter. The particular cultures (peasant underclass, working class) continued unperturbed to conform to their ancient models: the repression was limited to obtaining their support in words. Today, on the contrary, adherence to the models imposed by the Centre, and that is unconditional. The models are real cultural renegades. The renunciation is done. We can therefore say that the "tolerance" of the hedonist ideology intended by the new power, is the worst of the repression of human history. As we have been able to exert this repression? Through two revolutions, internal organization of bourgeois revolution and the revolution of the infrastructure of the information system. The roads, the engine etc.. hanno oramai strettamente unito la periferia al Centro, abolendo ogni distanza materiale. Ma la rivoluzione del sistema d'informazioni è stata ancora più radicale e decisiva. Per mezzo della televisione, il Centro ha assimilato a sé l'intero paese che era così storicamente differenziato e ricco di culture originali. Ha cominciato un'opera di omologazione distruttrice di ogni autenticità e concretezza. Ha imposto cioè - come dicevo - i suoi modelli: che sono i modelli voluti dalla nuova industrializzazione, la quale non si accontenta più di un "uomo che consuma", ma pretende che non siano concepibili altre ideologie che quella del consumo. Un edonismo neo-laico, ciecamente dimentico di ogni valore umanistico e ciecamente alien to the human sciences. The previous ideology and sets the desired power was, as you know, religion and Catholicism, in fact, was the only cultural phenomenon that formally "approved" the Italians. Now it has become a competitor of that new cultural phenomenon "approved" which is the hedonism of mass and, as a competitor, the new power for some years has begun to liquidate. There is not anything religious in the model of Young Men and Young Women proposed and imposed by television. They are two people who lend support to the life only through its Consumer goods (and, of course, still go to Mass on Sunday in a car). The Italians have accepted with enthusiasm questo nuovo modello che la televisione impone loro secondo le norme della Produzione creatrice di benessere (o, meglio, di salvezza dalla miseria). Lo hanno accettato: ma sono davvero in grado di realizzarlo?
No. O lo realizzano materialmente solo in parte, diventandone la caricatura, o non riescono a realizzarlo che in misura così minima da diventarne vittime. Frustrazione o addirittura ansia nevrotica sono ormai stati d'animo collettivi. Per esempio, i sottoproletari, fino a pochi anni fa, rispettavano la cultura e non si vergognavano della propria ignoranza. Anzi, erano fieri del proprio modello popolare di analfabeti in possesso però del mistero della realtà. Guardavano con un certo disprezzo spavaldo i "figli di papà", i piccoli borghesi, da cui si dissociavano, anche quando erano costretti a servirli. Adesso, al contrario, essi cominciano a vergognarsi della propria ignoranza: hanno abiurato dal proprio modello culturale (i giovanissimi non lo ricordano neanche più, l'hanno completamente perduto), e il nuovo modello che cercano di imitare non prevede l'analfabetismo e la rozzezza. I ragazzi sottoproletari - umiliati - cancellano nella loro carta d'identità il termine del loro mestiere, per sostituirlo con la qualifica di "studente". Naturalmente, da quando hanno cominciato a vergognarsi della loro ignoranza, hanno cominciato anche a disprezzare la cultura (caratteristica piccolo borghese, che essi hanno subito acquisito per mimesi). Nel tempo stesso, il ragazzo piccolo borghese, nell'adeguarsi al modello "televisivo" - che, essendo la sua stessa classe a creare e a volere, gli è sostanzialmente naturale - diviene stranamente rozzo e infelice. Se i sottoproletari si sono imborghesiti, i borghesi si sono sottoproletarizzati. La cultura che essi producono, essendo di carattere tecnologico e strettamente pragmatico, impedisce al vecchio "uomo" che è ancora in loro di svilupparsi. Da ciò deriva in essi una specie di rattrappimento delle facoltà intellettuali e morali. La responsabilità della televisione, in tutto questo, è enorme. Non certo in quanto "mezzo tecnico", ma in quanto strumento del power and power itself. It is not just a place through which pass messages, but it is a center of computer messages. It is the place where a specific mentality that would not otherwise would have nowhere to place. It is through the spirit of the television which is manifested in practice the spirit of the new power. There is no doubt (it can be seen from the results) that television is authoritarian and repressive why no media outlet in the world. The fascist newspaper and the writings on the farms of Mussolini's slogans are funny: as (with pain) compared to a tractor plow. Fascism, I repeat, it was basically can not even scratch the soul of the Italian people: the new Fascism, the new means of communication and information (especially, of course, television) not only has scratched, but has torn, broken, ugly forever.
(Pierpaolo Pasolini, "Corriere della Sera, December 9, 1973)
Gentile Direttore,
trovo really shocking statements made by her on television and some editorial strategies practiced by his head. Firstly I refer to his last appearance in the program of John Floris, "Ballarò" in which, she says, referring to the political crisis which is affecting the majority, "to be facing a crisis of the building and that there ' is no trace of significant events by the voters. "
Probably I will dispute the fact that upstream, in his opinion, "there is no political crisis in the majority." Yet for
Fini, Bocchino & co. the crisis exists and is also open formally. View I share.
Ritornando a bomba, vorrei segnalarle alcune manifestazioni e contestazioni più o meno organizzate che hanno avuto luogo o sono in programmazione in quest'ultimo periodo. Lo farò con un elenco, poichè questo metodo è tanto efficace.
Fini, Bocchino & co. the crisis exists and is also open formally. View I share.
Ritornando a bomba, vorrei segnalarle alcune manifestazioni e contestazioni più o meno organizzate che hanno avuto luogo o sono in programmazione in quest'ultimo periodo. Lo farò con un elenco, poichè questo metodo è tanto efficace.
Just to name a few pass, more are planned as the manifestation of Saturday, November 27 in Rome, organized by the CGIL in defense of our young people and employment rights, Sunday, December 5 convention is organized by purple people. To leave out the upcoming events as closely as political ovverola motion of no confidence in the Minister Bondi, the next November 27.
As these sources from which I chose the films may seem biased, I could very well say that they are the only ones to show the reality of the facts. For some absurd reason.
Again, in same episode of last Tuesday's vaguely stated that the garbage crisis is largely under control and that only "some areas of the city of Naples and the province" are still "in the garbage."
In this case, I do not need to use the assistance of others, but it was enough just to get home to find the usual framework. What goes on and off since 2008, is clear. Yesterday, his own newspaper has been betrayed, as mentioned the risk of "environmental disaster" and then, therefore, not localized.
In this case, I do not need to use the assistance of others, but it was enough just to get home to find the usual framework. What goes on and off since 2008, is clear. Yesterday, his own newspaper has been betrayed, as mentioned the risk of "environmental disaster" and then, therefore, not localized.
Finally, the question Saviano.
Nonostante ieri ci sia stata una vittoria per tutti coloro che hanno fiducia nella giustizia italiana (non padana) e il ministro Maroni, abbia dichiarato in modo spassionatamente populista a mio parere, di voler deporre le armi, Il Giornale si è presentato con un editoriale irrispettoso e con mire esclusivamente personali.
Saviano non sarà un santo, e spero non lo voglia essere. E' uno scrittore ed ha il merito di aver portato in evidenza la realtà della criminalità organizzata, in Campania e non solo. Anche grazie a lui, oggi Casal di Principe, vostra terra di conquista, è FORTUNATAMENTE sotto controllo dello Stato. Che il suo intervento a "Vieni via con Me" sia stato fortemente critico, non ci sono dubbi, but the things he said are supported by the facts and the DIA.
Even the North is, and is rooted, the 'Ndrangheta. Moreover, there is the 60's and has become in the last 15, according to the 2009 report of the National Anti-Mafia "Mafia businesswoman" whose activity is aimed " exercise of the detailed control of the territory " characterized by a 'evolution' steady and progressive. "
And then, please, do not sin of hypocrisy, but unfortunately also in the north there is the Mafia, Ndrangheta, Camorra or how you prefer to call it native. Sure, it's imported from the south, of course. Like most citizens milanesi, torinesi, padani molti dei quali militano anche nella Lega, pur avendo discendenze meridionali.
L'impegno dello Stato è quello di tener testa a queste organizzazioni e di sconfiggerle.
Se Saviano ha dichiarato che gli interlocutori di queste organizzazioni criminali sono militanti della Lega, si prende le sue responsabilità, ma a supporto di tali pesanti dichiarazioni adduce nomi, luoghi e fatti (vedi il "dimenticato" caso di Angelo Ciocca.)
Nonostante ieri ci sia stata una vittoria per tutti coloro che hanno fiducia nella giustizia italiana (non padana) e il ministro Maroni, abbia dichiarato in modo spassionatamente populista a mio parere, di voler deporre le armi, Il Giornale si è presentato con un editoriale irrispettoso e con mire esclusivamente personali.
Saviano non sarà un santo, e spero non lo voglia essere. E' uno scrittore ed ha il merito di aver portato in evidenza la realtà della criminalità organizzata, in Campania e non solo. Anche grazie a lui, oggi Casal di Principe, vostra terra di conquista, è FORTUNATAMENTE sotto controllo dello Stato. Che il suo intervento a "Vieni via con Me" sia stato fortemente critico, non ci sono dubbi, but the things he said are supported by the facts and the DIA.
Even the North is, and is rooted, the 'Ndrangheta. Moreover, there is the 60's and has become in the last 15, according to the 2009 report of the National Anti-Mafia "Mafia businesswoman" whose activity is aimed " exercise of the detailed control of the territory " characterized by a 'evolution' steady and progressive. "
And then, please, do not sin of hypocrisy, but unfortunately also in the north there is the Mafia, Ndrangheta, Camorra or how you prefer to call it native. Sure, it's imported from the south, of course. Like most citizens milanesi, torinesi, padani molti dei quali militano anche nella Lega, pur avendo discendenze meridionali.
L'impegno dello Stato è quello di tener testa a queste organizzazioni e di sconfiggerle.
Se Saviano ha dichiarato che gli interlocutori di queste organizzazioni criminali sono militanti della Lega, si prende le sue responsabilità, ma a supporto di tali pesanti dichiarazioni adduce nomi, luoghi e fatti (vedi il "dimenticato" caso di Angelo Ciocca.)
A questo punto perchè infangare la persona Saviano e istigare i vostri lettori più appassionati ad aderire ad una campagna contro lo scrittore? Saviano non ha generalizzato e non ha attaccato il nord d'Italia, si è limitato to emphasize that even there the gangs exist and have relationships with politics. Any color it induces, the criminal organizations try. And they often succeed.
If you do not bother, I recommend watching the film by Tornatore, the Camorra, maybe the things will be clearer.
Why sow hatred and resentment for political purposes, isinuando things that have not been expressed?
would remind you that you have the honor of running a newspaper founded by a great journalist, the Indro Montanelli, then, despite the now rampant partisanship of his head (but not only his own), try to tell the facts and verify the sources, such as journalistic ethics imposes.
I hope that this disgraceful campaign of fuss and mess-ups from "Big Brother" television and living rooms, we will be spared at least the newspapers, but I see it difficult, both those in power as long as the media of communication is only one involved a person.
If you do not bother, I recommend watching the film by Tornatore, the Camorra, maybe the things will be clearer.
Why sow hatred and resentment for political purposes, isinuando things that have not been expressed?
would remind you that you have the honor of running a newspaper founded by a great journalist, the Indro Montanelli, then, despite the now rampant partisanship of his head (but not only his own), try to tell the facts and verify the sources, such as journalistic ethics imposes.
I hope that this disgraceful campaign of fuss and mess-ups from "Big Brother" television and living rooms, we will be spared at least the newspapers, but I see it difficult, both those in power as long as the media of communication is only one involved a person.
The following article was published on December 9, 1973 Corriere della Sera, called "Challenge" to leaders of the television. Happy reading and good thinking.
No. O lo realizzano materialmente solo in parte, diventandone la caricatura, o non riescono a realizzarlo che in misura così minima da diventarne vittime. Frustrazione o addirittura ansia nevrotica sono ormai stati d'animo collettivi. Per esempio, i sottoproletari, fino a pochi anni fa, rispettavano la cultura e non si vergognavano della propria ignoranza. Anzi, erano fieri del proprio modello popolare di analfabeti in possesso però del mistero della realtà. Guardavano con un certo disprezzo spavaldo i "figli di papà", i piccoli borghesi, da cui si dissociavano, anche quando erano costretti a servirli. Adesso, al contrario, essi cominciano a vergognarsi della propria ignoranza: hanno abiurato dal proprio modello culturale (i giovanissimi non lo ricordano neanche più, l'hanno completamente perduto), e il nuovo modello che cercano di imitare non prevede l'analfabetismo e la rozzezza. I ragazzi sottoproletari - umiliati - cancellano nella loro carta d'identità il termine del loro mestiere, per sostituirlo con la qualifica di "studente". Naturalmente, da quando hanno cominciato a vergognarsi della loro ignoranza, hanno cominciato anche a disprezzare la cultura (caratteristica piccolo borghese, che essi hanno subito acquisito per mimesi). Nel tempo stesso, il ragazzo piccolo borghese, nell'adeguarsi al modello "televisivo" - che, essendo la sua stessa classe a creare e a volere, gli è sostanzialmente naturale - diviene stranamente rozzo e infelice. Se i sottoproletari si sono imborghesiti, i borghesi si sono sottoproletarizzati. La cultura che essi producono, essendo di carattere tecnologico e strettamente pragmatico, impedisce al vecchio "uomo" che è ancora in loro di svilupparsi. Da ciò deriva in essi una specie di rattrappimento delle facoltà intellettuali e morali. La responsabilità della televisione, in tutto questo, è enorme. Non certo in quanto "mezzo tecnico", ma in quanto strumento del power and power itself. It is not just a place through which pass messages, but it is a center of computer messages. It is the place where a specific mentality that would not otherwise would have nowhere to place. It is through the spirit of the television which is manifested in practice the spirit of the new power. There is no doubt (it can be seen from the results) that television is authoritarian and repressive why no media outlet in the world. The fascist newspaper and the writings on the farms of Mussolini's slogans are funny: as (with pain) compared to a tractor plow. Fascism, I repeat, it was basically can not even scratch the soul of the Italian people: the new Fascism, the new means of communication and information (especially, of course, television) not only has scratched, but has torn, broken, ugly forever.
(Pierpaolo Pasolini, "Corriere della Sera, December 9, 1973)
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Clots On Toilet
Banksy in town!
street art and the art form of combat for excellence. For
trick that I like.
Why is it an art form of protest, carried out through drawings, often with a satirical, on issues such as politics, culture and ethics.
Today I want to do a quick flash on Banksy, an artist originally di Bristol, la cui vera identità è dubbia (forse Robin Gunningham), come la leggenda del writer impone.
La tecnica che preferisce per i suoi lavori di guerrilla art è da sempre lo stencil , che proprio con Banksy è arrivato a riscuotere un successo sempre maggiore presso street artists di tutto il mondo. E’ impossibile non avere visto uno dei suoi lavori, la cui forza innesca un processo di riflessione immediato.
His works are mainly in the United Kingdom, but not only, they exist in symbolic places of the city and cities all over the world. Even here in Naples, it is said that the artist has worked.
His creative actions were concentrated in the center, one is in Piazza dei Hieronymite along via the courts, the other was destroyed some time ago, by the usual pseudo artistelli, with tags that preposterous smear the walls of the historic old town.
is the work Square of Hieronymite:
But this is an image of the stencil you will not find more. It was in front of the bell tower of Santa Chiara, Via Benedetto Croce:
As you can see Banksy had made sure not to act on pre-existing walls dating back to centuries ago. Although the artist in question was not him, it is certainly a respectable person of pre-existing evidence and historical and cultural light years away from vandals who blur the city.
street art and the art form of combat for excellence. For
trick that I like.
Why is it an art form of protest, carried out through drawings, often with a satirical, on issues such as politics, culture and ethics.
Today I want to do a quick flash on Banksy, an artist originally di Bristol, la cui vera identità è dubbia (forse Robin Gunningham), come la leggenda del writer impone.
La tecnica che preferisce per i suoi lavori di guerrilla art è da sempre lo stencil , che proprio con Banksy è arrivato a riscuotere un successo sempre maggiore presso street artists di tutto il mondo. E’ impossibile non avere visto uno dei suoi lavori, la cui forza innesca un processo di riflessione immediato.
His creative actions were concentrated in the center, one is in Piazza dei Hieronymite along via the courts, the other was destroyed some time ago, by the usual pseudo artistelli, with tags that preposterous smear the walls of the historic old town.
is the work Square of Hieronymite:
But this is an image of the stencil you will not find more. It was in front of the bell tower of Santa Chiara, Via Benedetto Croce:
As you can see Banksy had made sure not to act on pre-existing walls dating back to centuries ago. Although the artist in question was not him, it is certainly a respectable person of pre-existing evidence and historical and cultural light years away from vandals who blur the city.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Bleaching Cream Without Hydroquinone
Restoration of Monuments - The company promotes
books mktg On hearing about the Caused Related Marketing, Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Giving ed altre formulette anglofone che stentano a trovare un oggettivo riscontro nella vita quotidiana d'impresa.
Soprattutto se si tratta di un'impresa italiana
Ad ogni modo, si tratta di strumenti strategici che consentono alla realtà imprenditoriale di PROMUOVERE se stessa, attraverso la promozione di comportamenti socialmente responsabili ed utili, al fine di contribuire al benessere sociale (da un lato) e perseguire finalità imprenditoriali (dall'altro).
Ecco un esempio concreto.
Da anni la statua di Paolo Emilio Imbriani, sita in piazza Mazzini, luogo in cui passo abitualmente ogni giorno, è imbrattata ed imbruttita da milioni of graffiti by the stupid people. Such signs, no hieroglyphics meaning or significance, are very far from the noble art of writing that if professed devotion to art, will upgrade disused urban places (or not).
Here are the conditions prevailing in the square:
The ugly written by Nico + Tore, cheese, Tommy and other scugnizzielli the area, soon (hopefully) will be washed on. It 'was in fact approved the restoration of the monument to the work of A & C network, a company specialized advertising and marketing.
Obviously, the sponsor will proceed intervention entrusting the work to a specialist restoration company, in exchange for having advertising and word of mouth through the installation of temporary facilities sponsorship of the mark on the structure of the site. A bit like this:
From press release issued by the Second Municipal reads: "The amount of restoration is about € 38,000.00 (including VAT 20%). Maximum plant installation and completion of the work is four months (119 days). The work is due to start between 15-20 November 2010. "
Today in Piazza Mazzini 15 November there was still no sign of restoration in progress, but looks hopeful.
I hope that the same solution can be provided as soon cruelly mortified to another statue.
In Piazza Dante, strategic location and recently upgraded from redevelopment designed by Game Aulenti , the statue of Dante (but also new benches and the interior of a meter) are-already-in truly appalling conditions. (
Ho sempre provato un forte senso di fastidio verso l’indecorosità di certi comportamenti. E non riesco a comprendere come non ci siano ancora disposizioni effettive per monitorare e prendere provvediamenti.
Non sono una dispotica seguace del peggior brunettismo, ma non tollero certe schifezze.
Manteniamo puliti almeno i monumenti!!!
Non sono una dispotica seguace del peggior brunettismo, ma non tollero certe schifezze.
Manteniamo puliti almeno i monumenti!!!
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