Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Heavy Menstrual Bleeding Clots On Toilet

Banksy in town!

street art and the art form of combat for excellence. For
trick that I like.
Why is it an art form of protest, carried out through drawings, often with a satirical, on issues such as politics, culture and ethics.
Today I want to do a quick flash on Banksy, an artist originally di Bristol, la cui vera identità è dubbia (forse Robin Gunningham), come la leggenda del writer impone.
La tecnica che preferisce per i suoi lavori di guerrilla art è da sempre lo stencil , che proprio con Banksy è arrivato a riscuotere un successo sempre maggiore presso street artists di tutto il mondo. E’ impossibile non avere visto uno dei suoi lavori, la cui forza innesca un processo di riflessione immediato.

His works are mainly in the United Kingdom, but not only, they exist in symbolic places of the city and cities all over the world. Even here in Naples, it is said that the artist has worked.
His creative actions were concentrated in the center, one is in Piazza dei Hieronymite along via the courts, the other was destroyed some time ago, by the usual pseudo artistelli, with tags that preposterous smear the walls of the historic old town.
is the work Square of Hieronymite:
But this is an image of the stencil you will not find more. It was in front of the bell tower of Santa Chiara, Via Benedetto Croce:
As you can see Banksy had made sure not to act on pre-existing walls dating back to centuries ago. Although the artist in question was not him, it is certainly a respectable person of pre-existing evidence and historical and cultural light years away from vandals who blur the city.


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