Thursday, October 30, 2008

What Are The Visual Signs Of Liver Damage?

The "crisis of 2009"

If we were not in a city that has forgotten its highest football or if he did not, continues to lend itself to a hybrid without tradition, the usual chants of the most anticipated potential buyer should be returned to what they are. Or maybe not. Sometimes they are comic and leave them out completely would be criminal. In a talk in the usual state television, which only a few years ago claimed that his team was not grenade but cyclamen, the proprietor of Vallo della Lucania has disturbed even the American crisis of the New Deal in order to avoid accountability promises and proclamations. Who deludes himself that this man dying to restore Salernitana in the field, has to deal with these statements and the objectivity of evaluation without extenuating circumstances and false historical merits: "The situation is difficult ... we want peace and patience ... we live in a time of world crisis such as that of '29. " Yet, outside Salerno, anyone who is not among the effects of the mortgage crisis, there is the absolute impossibility, but also beyond dispute, to drive the three hundred and fifty thousand euro to revive Salernitana. On the contrary, a "crisis of 2009" just announced, the Mayor De Luca, even referring to the need to improve his team, asked the proprietor a "mettere mano al portafoglio". Di mondiale, insomma, c'è solo la confusione tra le due squadre che una gestione rionale è riuscita a portare... oltremanica. Lo zaino ufficiale della Salernitana(?) Calcio 1919(?), infatti, prodotto dall'inglese Umbro, porta sui lati l'ennesima conferma di quanto sia stato arrogante aver scelto questo nome. L'indirizzo del sito internet stampato non solo è sbagliato, ma è addirittura quello della stessa società che ha chiesto 24 milioni di euro di risarcimento proprio per questi equivoci, quasi a dimostrazione della fondatezza delle sue ragioni. Tra l'altro, lo stesso dominio web è in vendita insieme con il marchio nell'asta già disertata più di una time. But that is why we would, then, to report to bankruptcy to buy goods already cloned? Although this matter will be examined by the judges.
To bother a global crisis was how to shoot too big. Especially in light of the latest rumors. While when it comes to Salernitana Sport uses any excuse, even coarse, not to chase the little it takes, it seems that the members of Salerno (?) Football 1919 (?) To be flown until the 'Allianz Arena in Munich Monaco to take its cue from modern plants in the restructuring of the stadium. For the business of managing a multi-purpose Arechi, from which the proprietor will benefit first and only then, consequently, his team is not spending that takes. For Salerno and its rebirth, no.
Meanwhile, lawyers for the team in 2005 announced a better offer. E 'is assumed once again looking for an agreement on the causes they are covered in some way mark. Reports has it that a rumor reported by this time will be offered hundred and eighty thousand euro (number of 23 October). Even this will lead to nothing and the proprietor knows. The two auctions that have been established both have the same base. This fact demonstrates the intention of the curators not to accept anything below that figure. No one be deceived, this move could be the usual attempt to soothe any bad feelings.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Clear Light Bloody Discharge After Period

But what "horse"!

In una città di duecentomila abitanti che vanta ben quattro quotidiani locali e sei televisioni private, che ci sia totale disinformazione su un argomento di primo piano è incredibile solo a pensarlo. Eppure, sebbene i suddetti organi di informazione dedichino quotidianamente ampio spazio a quello che è (ancora) definito il gioco più bello del mondo, la stragrande maggioranza dei tifosi salernitani, da tre anni a questa parte, ignora quasi del tutto la paradossale situazione creatasi intorno alla Salernitana. Essendo certi che nessun giornalista sportivo che si definisca tale possa essere nemmeno lontanamente all’oscuro della verità, siamo perciò obbligati a dedurre che lo stato di ignoranza in cui viene mantenuto il tifoso comune è in qualche modo voluto.
Questo Movimento non intende affrontare per ora i motivi e le cause per cui ciò avviene, ma si propone in qualche modo innanzitutto di sopperire, per quanto possibile, a una lacuna che definire grave (in ambito calcistico e di tifo, naturalmente) non è azzardato.
Grosso modo da tre anni il tifoso medio della Salernitana è stato abituato a credere a tutta una serie di inesattezze sulla propria squadra del cuore che, chi conosce i fatti, non può non provare a porvi rimedio. Il fine è uno solo, e cioè la difesa di una “casacca” che per quasi un secolo ha fatto battere all’unisono i cuori dei tifosi salernitani: la casacca della U.S Salernitana, poi Salernitana Sport. Oggi questa casacca, come mai accaduto nella sua storia, è oltraggiata con menzogne da chi allo stesso tempo si definisce suo tifoso, eppure, mentendo su di essa, le provoca danni su danni. Le ultime dichiarazioni dal solito pulpito, volte a rovesciare sulla curatela le responsabilità di questa gestione paesana ed utili a nasconderne la delicata situazione giudiziaria, ne sono soltanto l'ultima conferma. Ma la menzogna di fondo più gettonata è quella che riguarda il “cavalluccio”. Simbolo della U.S Salernitana poi Salernitana Sport sin dal finire degli anni quaranta, oggi da più parti, sui quotidiani e nelle tv, sui forum in internet o sui blog dedicati alla “Salernitana”, la parola “cavalluccio” torna nei discorsi dei tifosi come di un simbolo da recuperare e da riapplicare sulle maglie della Salernitana. In realtà la U.S Salernitana, poi Salernitana Sport quel simbolo non lo ha mai perso! Il "cavalluccio" (o meglio, l'ippocampo!) è in vendita insieme a tutta la U.S. Salernitana, poi Salernitana Sport all’asta fallimentare dopo che, a causa dell’esclusione dalla serie B, la stessa U.S Salernitana, poi Salernitana Sport è stata dichiarata fallita il diciannove luglio duemilasei.
Dov’è dunque l’errore, o meglio, l’equivoco? L’equivoco sta nel fatto che da tre anni alla tifoseria viene volutamente fatto credere che la nuova società fondata a Salerno nel 2005 tramite il Lodo Petrucci is the natural heir of the USSalernitana, Salernitana Sport, and then for reasons related to the failure of this' last, this new company can not use the free "horse." In reality, the new company has not in fact inherited from the U.S. Salernitana Sport Salernitana then anything, except a few thousand unsuspecting fans kept deliberately ignorant and bewildered with confusion about the identity of repeating itself. Lodo Petrucci, the regulation of what can be seen in a clear and irrefutable. Even the title Sports C1 attributed to the new company is a title from scratch and is not what the U.S. Salernitana Salernitana then Sport, the latter because, at the time of exclusion, "possessed" a sports title in Serie B (not C1 as the one assigned by the Football Federation), the following year became a title of the third category, before the withdrawal of 'affiliation.
Instead of a "horse" to regain, at Salerno fans should be told that there is a brand to buy at auction, which is not just a "hobby horse", but is in fact the U.S. Salernitana Sport Salernitana then with the its accompanying symbol (the hippocampus), colors and history of sports! At Salerno fans, many local journalists and TV commentators should tell that many people like us this movement, three years is no longer at the stage it does not for lack of a "horse" as you foolishly insist on repeating, but the lack of that team as a child he learned to love the U.S. Salernitana, then Salernitana Sport. You know once and for all: This team is sold at auction in July 2007! The desire to see her back on the field as soon as it is a feeling shared by all the fans Salerno when they were properly informed about the situation. E 'permissible to believe that many of these, made aware of the facts, may come even to distance themselves from other companies based in the meantime, by the lack their economic contribution to cheer us on a system that "eats": Is that why you hide the truth about the people Salernitana grenade? Friday night a
Salerno area was plastered with flyers that have had the merit to propose a question always present but always boycotted. This movement, while inviting the authors to distinguish between the town of Salerno with the other company was founded in 2005, welcomes the initiative, praising the developers for the sensitivity shown towards the history of Salerno.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Honda Pilot No Heat In Front

a situation ... property! The proprietor

When he proposed the idea of \u200b\u200bbuying Salernello that yesterday rod was placed invariably deserted, the proprietor has not ruled out participation. The problem of training camps for his team was often used as another priority to the purchase of Salerno, in the pathetic effort to cloak of reasonableness defense office as incompatible with the role of fan who has seen her since there is Football. The credibility of the usual old story ("We're used to speak with the facts"), never before attempted in collaboration with Fabiani and coined around the time of transition from presidential to the proprietor, or the Caves in those games with the top Series B, was denied once again. O confirmed, as points of view, if the only "fact" which promptly "respond" and that security in question emerges Salernitana is his ability to lie. It is not news, short, or that have remained unsold real estate, whose fate could be at the heart of Salerno a few fans remained exclusively to an arrangement that remains only a dream, or that the proprietor did stick with the ( nothing) "done" the usual chatter. Expect, therefore, that
Fulvio De Maio, the main sponsor of the primacy of training camps on the mark, his admirable defense silent quickly, as quickly as it did after the embarrassment caused by the loss of the Cup final from Salernitana part of the team in 2005 (it should be remembered, the proprietor pleaded not interested in our trophies, albeit modest, who lost for three hundred euro, this would be enough to be fiercely contested by his supporters). In anxiously awaiting that to change policy, be satisfied with delight with the latest gem that which has the gift. Alone is able to measure the level of review in this town who does. Speaking of players waiting to be hired by Salernitana (?) Football 1919 (?) Fulvietto has defined their positions waiting a position of "beautiful lies". That said, there is only hope that even the "beautiful lies" of Salerno ends soon. If you depend solely dall'institore, you can bet not a penny. His latest statements are the usual explanations of the facade. Asked by a journalist Lira TV, read as one reads a quick formality, the answer was all in one go: "The situation is close to our heart, we are following, our lawyers are getting involved with the matter." The curator believes so much that it is considering to set not one but two bars: the next, which will be deserted, and even later. The first on January 19, the other March 16 (Salernonotizie).
In the same television, it seems sensible that if a visitor to the story the hints, will be invited to cut the director. True or not, remains a voice nonetheless consistent with quell'emittente the close bond that has the company with an exclusive party and with all those editorials that deployed to lose credibility. Franco Esposito, Telecolore up (which is known as the Salerno Rai), leads merrily "Goals for Goals" with a scene that in the background (maybe) has the grenade symbol of the fracture of 2005, a giant ball of rags. Marcello Party on TV today, dismisses the matter by saying that "there is great expectation of the people" and that "it should tickle XXXXXXXX want to buy the symbol" (the symbol, not the Salerno). The success of the team Fabiani (the components of this movement welcomed, for the joy you bring to the vast maggioranza dei salernitani) contribuiscono ad affossare l'argomento. Sembra che l'importante sia che la palla continui a rotolare sempre meglio, "per portare su tutti i campi - usando parole dell'institore - la bandiera della provincia di Salerno". Ecco, che porti pure dove vuole il gonfalone dell'ente che sogna, ma che lasci stare la nostra bandiera.