Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Nasal Spray Burning Throat

311 - Diversification into non-agricultural activities, photovoltaics for all agricultural

FAR 311 - Diversification into non-agricultural activities

311 The measure "Diversification into non-agricultural activities , has among its objectives the promotion of specific initiatives for the production of energy from renewable sources and in this context is a specific action (Action 4), which includes investments to build plants, and activities related to the production of electrical or thermal energy supplied from renewable energy sources and the construction of small plants for the production and sale of bio-fuels with a maximum of one megawatt.


farmer or farm family members who engaged in agricultural activity


The measure aims to encourage agricultural diversification and spread in the following Actions:

ACTION 1 - Creation and consolidation of farms Multipurpose as social, educational, artistic, eco-farms, "through the implementation of projects for diversification of business-oriented service delivery and the processing of farm products in non-Annex I to the Treaty."

ACTION 2 - Development of rural tourism hospitality, in particular by adapting and improving existing facilities, outdoor areas and reception services.

ACTION 3 - Stimulate the production of renewable energy and biofuels or construction of facilities and equipment for the production and sale.

eligible expenditure

AZIONE 1, Creazione e consolidamento di fattorie plurifunzionali, sono ammesse le spese per gli investimenti strutturali e per l’acquisto dell’attrezzatura necessaria alle attività.

AZIONE 2, Sviluppo dell’ospitalità agrituristica, sono ammesse le spese per gli investimenti strutturali, l’acquisto di attrezzature e dotazioni per l’ospitalità, la presentazione dei prodotti, l’offerta e la degustazione, per lo svolgimento di attività ricreative ed escursionistiche e le spese per l’adesione a sistemi di certificazione della qualità.

AZIONE 3, Incentivazione della produzione di energia e biocarburanti da fonti rinnovabili, sono ammesse le spese per gli structural investments, installations and the purchase of equipment required for processing of the biomass and production and sale of biofuels and / or energy.


assistance granted on the basis of the following levels:

ACTION 1: For fixed investment subsidy of 40% of eligible expenses and for the other investment subsidy of 35% of eligible expenses. Where operations are carried out in rural areas with development problems (D) or in intermediate rural areas (C), the level of aid has increased by 10%. SHARE

2 and 3: for fixed investment subsidy of 30% of eligible expenditure; for other investments subsidy of 25% of eligible expenses. Where operations are carried out in rural areas with development problems (D) or in intermediate rural areas (C), the level of aid becomes respectively 45% and 35%.


For each type of action through the following conditions:


- "The handicraft production and processing to products not listed in Annex 1 to the Treaty shall be obtained mainly with the production of agricultural "

- Beneficiaries of operations relating to teaching farms should be iscritti all’Elenco Regionale delle Fattorie Didattiche entro i termini di realizzazione dell’intervento.


- i beneficiari devono essere regolarmente iscritti all’elenco regionale degli operatori agrituristici.


- Sono considerati ammissibili gli interventi che non superano il limite di 1 Mw e che portano ad un “equilibrio favorevole del bilancio dell’anidride carbonica e dei rimanenti gas serra”;

- Gli impianti devono essere autorizzati ai sensi della normativa vigente;

- Obbligo di installazione di un sistema di contabilizzazione dell’energia;

- In caso cogeneration plant must be provided for the recovery of thermal energy produced;

- In the case of plants made by the associated beneficiaries, the biomass must be predominantly from the same;

- In the case of operations for the production or processing power biomass, there should be contracts for the supply chain of biomass itself.


"ACTION first. Projects involving the purchase of plant and equipment that give priority to energy saving b. Projects involving the implementation of measures for the removal of architectural barriers for those with handicapc. Beneficiaries women

ACTION second. Projects and interventions which focus on diversification, skills and improvement of activities and services provided, pursued through appropriate forms of coupling and connecting with other public / private sector working in turisticob. Projects involving the implementation of measures for the removal of architectural barriers for people with handicapc. Projects involving the purchase of plant and equipment that give priority to saving energeticod. Beneficiaries included in the circuit of roads of wine and typical products (LR n. 17/2000) e. Beneficiaries women

ACTION third. Projects involving the implementation of interventions / installations for the heating of buildings pubblicib. Projects involving the implementation of interventions / installations to power the fleet of transport pubblicoc. Beneficiaries women "


Reg (EC) No 1698/2005 of 20 September 2005 on support for rural development by European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) Rural Development Programme 2007-2013

(Source Article: Midagri)


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