Friday, December 17, 2010

Porcelain Figurine With Crossed Arrows

FoodMarketo: design on the cities you eat

It came the night my first post!

With the culture you do not eat, they tell us even from the mighty palace.
If the design does culture, let's try to subvert this idea.

I want to talk about Foodmarketo , half pop up store, half a dispenser of cooking workshop, which sells contemporary design objects and hosts online seminars daily for recipes and ingredients.
FoodMarketo is a project shared by DesignMarketo Apartamento and the magazine.
They have exhibited in Italy at an exclusive event at the Milan Design Fair 2010 e a Londra per il London Design Festival 2010.
Thirty international designers have created works on the theme of food - household items, t-shirts, posters, bags - and everything is for sale and all budgets, from dwarfs to those giants.

After Installing Router Internet Does Not Work

Lights: Art lighting

Cold, vanilla tea and Sigur Rós. Winter has arrived and Christmas is upon us. In
city can not breathe an air of celebration, it's all in a minor key. My attention goes to other thoughts, issues important and decisive. Today for me is: Melancholy Mode On

Yesterday I did not post anything. things that happened speak for themselves. sono amareggiata e sfiduciata. io…
Ciò nonostante, oggi vi illumino, nel vero senso della parola.
Per chi non lo sa ancora il 2011 è l’Anno Internazionale della Cultura della Luce. Per tale motivo molte città italiane e non, hanno ben pensato di decorare scenograficamente i luoghi più significativi con opere arte contemporanea: Torino, Milano, Parigi, Berlino, Tokio.

Tra gli artisti che presentano installazioni a base di Art Lighting, da segnalare c’è il collettivo YesYesNo . Essi sono specializzati nella creazione di accattivanti, magiche installazioni che uniscono la creatività, la visione artistica d’avanguardia e ovviamente il ricorso alle luci e ai led.

Bravi, bravissimi anche i Lightgraff , decisamente meno convenzionali e più vicini ai writers, come rivendicano didascalicamente anche dal loro nome.


Infine, vi segnalo il Social Light Movement , un’organizzazione filantropica fondata con lo scopo di creare una rete di lighting designers e altri attori interessati a collaborare sul tema del miglioramento dell’illuminazione in funzione delle persone: in particolare per coloro che not be eligible for quality lighting because of the environment in which they live.

a visit to Milan on LED Festival, and for us to Campania, the best place to go to see Christmas lights is an artist Salerno

Farm Town Blackberry Storm


What I present to you Today is an album that I have on facebook since June 2009.
It is a small photo report, which highlights the inroads of street art in the broadest sense, in the ancient center of my city.

"The graph on the wall tells the story of it all" on a partial
nu-old Naples.
a bassa risoluzione.
una domenica di giugno.
Many of the works pictured here are the work of Kaf & Cyop which you point out an amusing interview via skype on ziguline . Moreover, the two writers submitted on 25 November their new book "NO COMMENT" published by Studiocromie and have exceptionally exposed to it a series of drawings (s) associated with "The Place to Librarteria .
Stay tuned!

Why Do Women Wet Themselves

The appearance of the transfer market - VOL.2

The power vacuum was talking about Pasolini 36 years ago still exist.
What is right, what is left ... to name Gaber.

The ideology no longer exist, are only simplistic categories used by politicians to deceive the public.
fascism fascist is no more, even fascism Democrat.
Fascism today is even more petty and cowardly, because what counts is money, corruption and armchairs.

Two days after "trust" in government, parliament has run unleashed in a real traitor to the last sale, to use words super inflated in recent days.
A real transfers. And the potential acquired
come from all political row, not only by the baby Fli (where the undecided last minute there may well be, given the moral qualities of consistency and often proved that distinguish subjects question), but also dall'Idv.
It 's too shameful!
E 'corruption at its best.
Onerevole is not just a title, is an adjective and that definition must be earned.
... I mean it should.

But today the market saw that the deputies arrived at 6000 € per kg: I prefer the truffles.

And then, let's face it all, so even if the trust bought will arrive for a few more votes because this government will last? How the country will remain at a standstill? We are insecure, students, researchers, L'Aquila, Naples, teachers, peasants, workers, entrepreneurs restemo precarious, students, researchers, L'Aquila, Naples, teachers, peasants, workers and entrepreneurs.
Without any measures which may help society.

Blessed Pasolini quoting the fireflies, we are forced to mention the football players to make similarities and parallels with the political situation today.

Symptoms Of Uterine Polyps

The disappearance of fireflies - vol.1

of Pier Paolo Pasolini
by the "Corriere della sera" of 1 February 1975

In the early sixties, due to air pollution, and especially in the countryside, due to pollution of the water (the clear blue rivers and irrigation ditches) are the fireflies begin to disappear. The phenomenon was lightning and lightning. After a few years, the fireflies were gone. (I am now a memory, quite heartbreaking, of the past and an old man who has such a memory, can not recognize itself in the new young young, and therefore can not have regrets of a good time).
That "something" that happened a decade ago, therefore I will call the "disappearance of fireflies."
Democracy Democrats who opposed the anti-fascists fascist dictatorship, was shamelessly formal. It was based on a
absolute majority of votes obtained by the huge layers of middle-class and peasant masses, managed by the Vatican.
The "values" nationalized "and then falsified the old world agricultural and paleocapitalistico, suddenly no longer matter. Church, home, family, obedience, order, economy, morality does not count anymore.
All my readers will certainly noticed the change of the powerful Democrats: in a few months, they have become the funeral masks. True, they continue to unleash radiant smiles, sincerity incredible. In their eyes is the real cakes, happy light in a good mood. When it is not dell'ammiccante light of wit and mischief. What the voters like that, it seems, as complete happiness. Furthermore, our powerful continue undeterred their incomprehensible rants, which float in the "flatus vocis" promises the usual stereotypes. In reality they are just masks. I am sure that, to raise those masks, he is not even a heap of bones and ashes, there would be nothing, emptiness. The explanation is simple: now actually in Italy there is a dramatic power vacuum. But that's the point: not a lack of legislative or executive, not a vacuum of power management, or, finally, a vacuum of political power in any traditional sense. But a lack of power itself.
How have we come to this emptiness? Or, rather, "how come there are men of power?".

(with a leap of 36 years)

H Pylori Treatment Emedicine

Ecoimmagination - People Have The Power 350

People Have The Power Patti Smith sings.
And here is a contribution you can donate without spending a cent, and in times of crisis pre-Christmas always makes the difference.
last few days I fixed the formatting of my damn widget wordpress blog and I added a feature "socially useful". Go to the bottom of the page, you will find a banner on the left SocialVibe. Click on it without fear. There intermingling virus, is just an alternative way to raise funds. :D
This is a project created by Ecoimmagination , it is nell'uploadare your photos with the theme WATER, SUN, WIND. The goals in question are already on target for water and sunshine, now need to collect images that relate to the wind. I've got some advertisement, having been on holiday last summer in Tarifa, the southernmost city in Spain in the Strait of Gibraltar, constantly ventilated. Not by chance is the city of kitesurfing and windsurfing.

With this small gesture will help those in need, the construction of wind farms that will provide green energy, clean and green. For others, many interesting reasons to support the creativity and not just look at the website of SocialVibe. On Facebook you share
bullshit, I do not understand why things stale series to spread ...

Measles Itchy My Me I

Earth Art

While listening to the "new" album, Deerhunter, Halcyon Digest, there point out this gem I found on the website ... Radiohead!

From November 20 to 28 last year, occurred on the first global event of environmental art for a noble cause: bringing climate issues on the agenda. In various locations in the world, artists and citizens have made installations of public art to show how climate change is already having an impact on our planet. Each installation is large enough to be seen from space and to be documented by satellite provided by DigitalGlobe. The project, called 350 Earth Art, demonstrates the broad public support and the role art can play in the big challenge: protecting the planet we live on.

Here are some pictures:

Saturday, 20 novembre, i cittadini della regione del Delta dell’Ebro guidati dell’artista Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada hanno contribuito a formare una gigantesca rappresentazione del volto di una giovane bambina che vuole vedere il Delta sopravvivere alla minaccia del cambiamento climatico.

Una ricreazione del leggendario re Canuto, che, secondo la leggenda, ha cercato in vano di comandare l’oceano, creato da Thom Yorke e Stanley Donwood.

In Islanda, l’artista Bjargey Olafsdottir ha collaborato con la squadra di soccorso locale per creare un orso polare con centinaia di tende rosse, posizionato alla base di un ghiacciaio di fusione Icelandic. The image is inspired by the Nazca lines in Peru, and drawings of children, trying to highlight the issue of the melting of glaciers and the uncertain future of the animals they have there own habitat.

the second largest city in the world, more than 5,000 students have worked with the artist Daniel Dancer to form an image of a giant elephant to ask world leaders not to ignore the so-called "elephant in the room": the climate change. The elephant is the animal the national heritage of India, worshiped in the form Ganesha known as "the removal of all obstacles."
We hope that the powerful are aware of the real problems of the planet and engage in practice to help reduce climate issues.
in Naples today to 15 days from Christmas, we are over 16 °, Mondello you bathe in the sea and Turin and in the snow.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

How To Remove Drain Cover From Shower Stylus

Classificone of 2010

Ora non si limitano a mettere offline i link, ma cancellano anche il post di provenienza, sigh. Provo a rimettere Almost Blue In September (senza tracklist) nei commenti a questo post!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Xepisodes Not Playing

Have confidence

Flètta (8): Una sorpresa questa, almeno per me, visto che non mi posso esattamente annoverare tra i fan di Bjork. Non che mi aspettassi disastri, ma di certo nemmeno questa piccola gemma astrattista. Antony racconta che il pezzo è nato in Giamaica durante le registrazioni di Volta quando sedutosi al piano and the same strumming a tune Bjork began to improvise vocally in a language that ranged from Icelandic and completely invented just for the sake of the onomatopoeic sound of the phonemes. In fact the song is that, since then he has only added to his vocal part, limiting the countermelodies. It all has something to arcane magic. It makes me think of the cabaret and Weil / Brecht, but maybe transposed into the world of elves. Silver Salt Oxygen (8.5): The degree of civilization of a society is measured not by its most advanced point of progress, but in the way we treat the least, different. A society that marginalizes them and humiliates them can not be said to be civil. No, not the Gospel, but Antony heard from them my own ears. He is also convinced that the world would be better if it were to govern the feminine, defined as sensitivity, vision, instinct and procreation. Elect the mother salt. 'S more than an election call is Christ who is female, because as a male has failed miserably. It is also a ride of a symphony ispiratissimo Nico Muhly.

Christina's Farm (9): At the end of the circular melody finds its conceptual materialize. Starting with 'Everything Is New' we find ourselves at the end of the journey. ".. everything was new, tenderly Renewed .. "but in fact we did not move even an inch of our spirit is the true traveler, through the moods that succeeded one another through the consciousness of what it is, as you are, because you are and where you are. Never mind that maybe it was Christina Chalmers's farm (the mother of Sierra and Bianca Casady) in the Camargue, southern France. The site counts only as a factor of inspiration to be seen with new eyes, new eyes. And if by magic all around us becomes different. Becomes new. Seven minutes of pure grace.

E 'again at night. I absolutely must put this disc over again. There will certainly be steps, feelings and nuances that have passed me by. Why 'Swanlights' being more consistent, yet at the same time even more intangible, those that have preceded it. I do not know if better or worse, this was only time to tell me. Indeed it will say to my spirit, that as a ghost violet dancing will shed the light reflected from the rippling water.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Orange Peel Extract Acid Reflux

A Working Class Hero

Unfortunately I have not lived a single day of my life at the same time John Lennon.
I was born nearly three years after his murder, but would be great to live "live" his person. The Beatles, the pop history, but also his relationship with Yoko Ono, the performance art, protests against the Vietnam War, poetry and music.

Thirty years after "Imagine", how much more there is to do and fight.

Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today
Imagine there's no countries "
It Is not Hard
to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too
Imagine all the people Living life in peace
You May Say That I'ma dreamer
But I'm not the only one I hope someday
'll join us And the world will be as one Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can No need for
greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people
Sharing All The World You May Say That I'ma dreamer
but I'm not the only one I hope someday
you'll join us And the
world will live as one

The lyrics of the song is usually lettoin key pacifist, but Lennon himself admitted that the contents of the text Imagine the nearer to the "Manifesto Communist Party "which is a hymn to peace. Lennon said that the song was "anti-religious, anti-nationalist, anti-conventional and anti-capitalist, and is only accepted because it is covered with sugar."
What more

To remain an area of \u200b\u200bpacifism, which is more representative of Give Peace a Chance?

The song was written during the famous honeymoon Bed-In Lennon and Yoko Ono: When a reporter asked them what they thought to gain by sitting in bed, Lennon replied spontaneously:
"All We Are Saying is Give Peace a Chance" (All we are saying is give peace a chance) to Lennon phrase liked it and decided to tacking around a song.
Imagine and Give Peace A Chance are two extremes of a musical universe divided between poetry and civil message, including political activism and art.
Finally, here is another text in the balance between poetry and social commitment, perhaps less common, because more explicit and strong: A Working Class Hero As soon as

you're born They make you feel small By giving you
no time instead of it all
Till the pain is so big you feel nothing at all
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
They hurt you at home and they hit you at school
They hate you if you’re clever and they despise a fool
Till you’re so fucking crazy you can’t follow their rules
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
When they’ve tortured and scared you for twenty odd years
Then they expect you to pick a career
When you can’t really function you’re so full of fear
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV
And you think you’re so clever and class less and free
But you’re still fucking peasants as far as I can see
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
There’s room at the top they are telling you still
But first you must learn how to smile as you kill
If you want to be like the folks on the hill
A working class hero is something to be
A working class hero is something to be
If you want to be a hero well just follow me
If You Want to be a hero well just follow me

The song is about insensitivity caused by social conditions, saying that in this society only "comply" is rewarding. The freedom and a society no longer divided into classes are designed for the purpose of myths obscure our fundamental lack of control over our lives, while the media, religion, sexuality and marketed drugs, legal or not, all conspire in the same way to dampen our desire for social change.
's thesis Lennon is that we can be controlled easily because we allow our imaginations to be clipped wings.
The title of "working class hero" John would have been applied to over the years by fans, but his original intention was not this, in fact, declared that he only hoped that the song became a hymn of employees " and liked what he liked Give Peace a Chance . (Cft. Wikipedia)

... Dear John, you do not know what the world would still need you. ☮ & ♥ RIP

"We use advertising. Everybody in this country uses advertising, including politicians, the Biafrans, the Vietnamese, everybody. I use advertising to promote what I think. And I think ‘peace’. So I promote it by using a technique called advertising…”
John Lennon, 1969
“You know, give peace a chance, not shoot people for peace. All we need is love. I believe it. It’s damn hard, but I absolutely believe it.
We’re not the first to say, ‘Imagine no countries’ or ‘Give Peace A Chance’, but we’re carrying that torch, like the Olympic torch, passing it from hand to hand, to Each Other, To Each country, To Each generation. That's our job. "
John Lennon, 1980

Monday, December 6, 2010

Steam Room Cruising Etiquette

Nowhere Near Here

I always have that" damn "mania to read newspapers and frequantare social networks daily to be informed about news and curiosities ...
Yesterday I also joined Twitter and follow me if you want, try Emiliana_Me !

On the web I found a video very, very nice that I'm going to offer a vision. It's called
Nowhere Near Here and is "a beautiful short that is sweeping the network with a new form of street art: more than two hundred light passes through stencil masks have "designed" an evening stroll a little virtual dog. The movements were captured by the author of thousands of photos with long exposure. A job that required a total of 300 hours of shooting in the night. "(See Pier Luigi Pisa on )

ra Pahnl , a British artist, spcializzato stencil. He works in the UK since 2003 and says of himself:

"I am greatly influenced by the comics world, road signs, but I add my personal touch and subversive. Since street art is street art, I try to far interagire il mio lavoro con l’ambiente, anche se poi, alla fine, tutto quello che voglio fare è far sorridere le persone.”

Secondo me ci riesce, guardate che sfiziosi questi stencil:

'It Started As A Joke' - The scene in it's gorgeous entirety, sorry if it stretches off the screen, haha.

Beh, l’influenza di Haring c’è ed è chiara, ma chi non è influenzato dal creatore dei “radiant boys?”, non lo siamo forse tutti, anche quando usiamo le emoticon sul web? ;)

E poi il video di cui vi parlavo inizialmente. Secondo me con Nowhere Near Here si è decisamente opened the meeting point between the street art digital art. The walk of the virtual puppy is full of "Flashlights and explosions" in the flow of light, just like the song says in the background.
The soundtrack choice is a truly remarkable piece, What Else Is There? 2006, from their second album the group norvegiese Royksopp, The Understanding. "
To increase the value of this track, featuring with Dreijer Karin Andersson, the female voice of The Knife .