Friday, December 17, 2010

Measles Itchy My Me I

Earth Art

While listening to the "new" album, Deerhunter, Halcyon Digest, there point out this gem I found on the website ... Radiohead!

From November 20 to 28 last year, occurred on the first global event of environmental art for a noble cause: bringing climate issues on the agenda. In various locations in the world, artists and citizens have made installations of public art to show how climate change is already having an impact on our planet. Each installation is large enough to be seen from space and to be documented by satellite provided by DigitalGlobe. The project, called 350 Earth Art, demonstrates the broad public support and the role art can play in the big challenge: protecting the planet we live on.

Here are some pictures:

Saturday, 20 novembre, i cittadini della regione del Delta dell’Ebro guidati dell’artista Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada hanno contribuito a formare una gigantesca rappresentazione del volto di una giovane bambina che vuole vedere il Delta sopravvivere alla minaccia del cambiamento climatico.

Una ricreazione del leggendario re Canuto, che, secondo la leggenda, ha cercato in vano di comandare l’oceano, creato da Thom Yorke e Stanley Donwood.

In Islanda, l’artista Bjargey Olafsdottir ha collaborato con la squadra di soccorso locale per creare un orso polare con centinaia di tende rosse, posizionato alla base di un ghiacciaio di fusione Icelandic. The image is inspired by the Nazca lines in Peru, and drawings of children, trying to highlight the issue of the melting of glaciers and the uncertain future of the animals they have there own habitat.

the second largest city in the world, more than 5,000 students have worked with the artist Daniel Dancer to form an image of a giant elephant to ask world leaders not to ignore the so-called "elephant in the room": the climate change. The elephant is the animal the national heritage of India, worshiped in the form Ganesha known as "the removal of all obstacles."
We hope that the powerful are aware of the real problems of the planet and engage in practice to help reduce climate issues.
in Naples today to 15 days from Christmas, we are over 16 °, Mondello you bathe in the sea and Turin and in the snow.


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