Monday, November 29, 2010

Make My Nails Grow Faster

one thing leads to ...

Da cosa nasce cosa, claim pubblicitario o moderna interpretazione della legge di Lavoisier, "nulla si crea, nulla si distrugge?"
Beh, la risposta è sempre la stessa, anche se molti non sembra che se ne accorgano: "TUTTO SI TRASFORMA".

Il desiderio di parlare di design sostenibile e derivato da materiale riciclato è ovviamente frutto dello scempio ambientale che stiamo vivendo noi campani. La necessità di ricorrere a discariche ed inceneritori è solo insinuata nei cervelli della massa, in realtà si potrebbe ovviare tale problema con trattamenti specifici di compostaggio dell'organico e una raccolta differenziata responsabile.

Ecco delle creazioni made up of designers, working with totally recycled material.
The first proposal was devised by the creative mind of an Italian designer Giulio Patrizi .

"The ECO PA (n) CKS street furniture are fun, colorful, sometimes strict but still functional and, of course, eco-friendly because it totally made with materials derived from waste collection and recycling of steel, aluminum, paper, wood, plastic and glass (even if in different percentages). ECO-PA (n) CK called Matchbox, Cloud, uRbik, Favelas, Floating Paper, Retro, six benches made from recycled materials and donated to 21 Italian cities from CONAI Tuteta and the Ministry of the Environment and the Sea. "

Another fun and useful example comes from Reversible , a French company that, as stated clearly its slogan" Eco design ", is dedicated to the manufacturing of environmentally sustainable design, that is not just recycled but recyclable .
Reversible princiapalmente using the PVC sheets of billboards that would go down the drain, to create home accessories (like lamps or ottoman) or accessories (Such as bags) only, as each piece is different from another.

objects would not be nice to give to Christmas? And while

, utopian monster on this blog that you could create a different sound, but here is a movie of the reality of my city. We hope that the mobilization town sensitize people as possible. With prayers for the dissemination and participation.


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