Friday, November 12, 2010

Tripod Support 15 Pounds


Yesterday morning, wandering around Piazza Garibaldi, I've seen the posters that they seemed familiar.
are posters of "jobs" as they are found in many networks that bring in large letters so sadly plausible proposals for exploitation today.

"Advertising Agency Account SEARCH junior ready to stay with his father for life"
" Computer Group is looking for young graduates with honors and the minimum dignity"

It 'obvious that this is a provocation.
What struck me is that 100 meters ahead, these posters are surmounted by a large inscription in red: NO +
When I got home I started looking and I remedied the internet a wonderful discovery to share with everyone those who are in this condition or that have passed.

Young willing to all part of our being young today. Who among us, but to work is compromised with his own dignity??
Obviously I am not referring to the methodologies to be "tissue".
I refer, for example, the stage that we are all willing to do without pay, with the hope they turn into something concrete. The site has for some time "occupied" by NOT + .
We never made an examination of conscience? If we were not willing to do anything more? If we were not as ALL, the system could not withstand.
Italy, democratic republic founded on the stage, would days are numbered.
Also because many of the stages for which we are called to be the norm? who paid? (ANYONE?) Who fall within the 18 months post-graduate intern, and then cover it with the proper insurance?
open our eyes!

If employers make their porci comodi, anche noi – in quanto “generazione disperata”- abbiamo contribuito alla creazione di questo meccanismo. Un buon 40% di responsabilità è nostra e lo si deve riconoscere.

Io sono stata assunta con un contratto di collaborazione occasionale, l’anno scorso. Insieme a me c’era uno “stagista”. Ovviamente, per modo di dire, poichè aveva da tempo superato il tempo debito per fare uno stage. Dopo sei mesi di rinnovo (con un contratto part time a 400€, dichiarato a 200€, per pagare meno contributi), la nostra collaborazione è finita.
E mi sembra ovvio!
Perchè pagare una persona, se c’è qualcun altro che svolge le same job for free??
This is just one of many experiences that each of us has lived. And I bet you could tell many, equally depressing, too.

Quoting the website: The story of Young
willing to do anything is the story of our generation and of its precariousness.
That's so incredible job to fit exactly on the border between the tragic and the ridiculous, for which nobody has ever really publicly rice, nor has it ever really desperate.
The hundreds of comments and reactions coming in site told a story of missed prospects, hopes dashed, promises betrayed. All lived alone. Who is part
generation of our individualistic and atomized 'always been willing to do anything. A
too. Now we're young +
NOT willing to do anything.
Because now we understand that we can not only change our lives.

It 's impossible not to share his intentions and I, I'm experiencing a period of utopian hopes, we want to believe and above all I want to participate.
Maybe it's a bit late to report it, but today at 15.00 in Piazza del Gesù there will be a Flash Mob on quastione.
For me, it's sunny, I do not see why not go. :)
I will keep you updated!
guys attiviamoci! There are no political colors in this initiative, we are qualified and intelligent, but adversely affected by a sick system. Mobilize
, also through communication.
freedom and participation. Here is a link

of an article published in La Repubblica to learn more.


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