Accompanied by guitarist Andy Bell, Liam few days ago spoke about the spirit that has marked the creation of the band's debut album, post-Oasis.
Andy said: "The mood is good, we're doing tests, interviews, we are preparing for the big day when we will start to play live. We are very excited to do some concerts."
Liam joked, "Yes, we'll play the songs on the album plus a couple of b-sides and maybe a cover ... Wonderwall. No, joke, man, we'll play a cover of Sons of the Stage, a great piece, and that's it. "
" I do not have to manage things Noel was a big change, "said Andy," but we are all taken from the same music from which we were always taken. We're still a guitar band and rock'n'roll. "
Liam was asked to explain what it means when the Beatles and Stones singing" stand the test of time as the Beatles and the Stones. "The singer said: 'Well, the game is so named, no? Not that you would like to hear your music in five years and think that sounds like shit. Want to play well as all those old classics sai cosa intendo? Credo che con questo disco l'abbiamo raggiunto. In ogni caso è la nostra opinione. Altrimenti non l'avremmo fatto uscire. Non staremmo qui a parlartene. Se l'altra gente avverte la stessa sensazione, bene. Se no non importa".
È stata una scelta voluta quella di chiamarsi Beady Eye, cioè di scegliere un nome con le iniziali dei Beatles, in modo che il disco finisca vicino a quelli dei Beatles nei negozi di dischi? "Sì", conferma Liam, che qualche mese fa aveva già scherzato a questo proposito. "Il nome Beady Eye su carta ha un aspetto grandioso. Devi pure chiamarti in un modo. In qualunque modo ci fossimo chiamati certa gente avrebbe comunquen storto il naso. Quindi devi farlo, farlo sapere. Dipende tutto music. If the music is nice to people will be a reason for the name. "

" If Noel had heard our album? I'm not sure, we all have the same management and we have the same people who work for us. Perhaps it is a bit 'washed his hands of all this and do not give a damn. But if it's a music lover then I think we will want to know what we're doing. Do not really care if he heard or not. There interested. "
Liam and Andy see whether or not the royal wedding?" I think we'll be on tour, "said Liam." I think we will see in the newspapers. Let's see what happens. Why not, man? Two people in love can not be a bad thing, right? ".
Liam was also sought an opinion about Lady Gaga." It's great. Seriously, man, we love it. It is the only one there who has the balls. I like it. Can play. He can sing. Can dance. It is strange. Upsets people. I like it. I like the Gaga, friend. "
translated by frjd - Source: ew.com
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