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The music of Oasis has been the soundtrack to the Generation Y, a generation that needed a little 'magic, hope in the UK full of problems of the nineties.
Survivor the sinking of Oasis, Liam has brought with it the rest of the band with the exception of ourkid, his brother, and created the Beady Eye, erecting a shrine to the Sixties. A time when things were simpler and people believed in the redemptive power of music, when dressing well and have a stylish haircut could change the world. Beady Eye On
a lot of things are said and all contradictory. Liam Gallagher divides people's opinions, but not today at the Apollo, where the white heat of worship comes in a larger dose than usual to the prodigal son who returns to his hometown.
is a matter very north, from clothes to rock'n'roll when I come tonight: Kev from Leigh claims that these things are great, from Rochdale Joe loves the album and a girl who is beautiful, a group the scouser (Liverpool people, ndr) Oasis tattooed. The room is full of people with his hair combed forward, trendy clothes, clothes modesque mixed with loose clothing and casseroles, all of which make the walk from bully. This is the people who still believe in the power of rock'n'roll and getting ready for something.
When the band takes the stage feel the heat. Liam Gallagher has the DNA of the star radiates coolness and swagger that even covers the nerves on edge. He was used because, surprisingly, Beady Eye is still a new band. The album was released five days ago and although a little 'stuff was leaked on the Internet, people are still becoming familiar with the lyrics. "Do not worry if you do not know words, do not even know me, "Liam joked as the crowd still goes in the chorus.
The lineup is short and delicious: it is the entire album, plus a cover of the brilliant Sons Of The Stage of World Of Twist and without Wigwam, one of the highest points of the album: I think those are hard to reproduce sound multistratificazioni live.
The album is a mix of rock songs and hymns that works perfectly. Soon it becomes all too clear that this is a new Liam. Show that vulnerability that made the album so special Beady. Now it seems more open and less guarded in the way of singing and even as she moves on stage. Not that it has lost its cutting: fa ancora quell'occhio figo, morto, quello sguardo impassibile che fissa il pubblico e ha ancora le mani dietro la schiena, ricurvo verso il microfono, quasi ad assaltarlo..
Il resto dei Beady Eye sono l'altra carta di briscola, musicisti consumati. Ora che Andy Bell è tornato alla chitarra lasciando il basso il sound è fottutamente asciutto, con quella rilassatezza ritmica fornita da Chris Sharrrock, che conferisce alla band il suo tratto distintivo.
I pezzi rock come Standing On The Edge Of The Noise rendono perfettamente l'idea degli Slade a passo pesante in connubio con il White Album dei Beatles. La traccia di apertura, Four Letter Word, è quasi Pistoliana nella sua spavalderia frullante, mentre Beatles And Stones alza l'asticella in modo ambizioso, autodichiarando lo status di band leggendaria in uno spettacolo di spacconeria settentrionale che si rifa agli Stone Roses, un'altra band che aveva fiducia in sé.

If there's a part where you lose something capricious in the acrobatics of The Beat Goes On, my favorite disc, which is sung by Liam childhood innocence and conviction with moving, but loses the mellotron, which is the key the sound of the song. A Liam in his voice that reveals his childlike wonder to the world and her innocence.
The last song of the set, The Morning Son, that perhaps the song talks about the broken relationship with Noel, it works perfectly, reaching further and further until the crucial closing led by Chris Sharrock. It is a feeling of wonder to the world that really runs the fantastic All Things Must Pass by George Harrison. It's all pretty amazing. It is also the only vaguely referred to ourkid Fortunately, there are no comments for mockery, no criticism. The public still respects Noel and constantly asking his album. From the perspective of the creative division is perhaps the best thing that could happen to the band.
criticism alleges that the band lack of originality, but the Beady Eye, like Oasis, managed to weave their influences on their journey and their love for the classical sense in Britain where all scrub, from government to banks, and where perhaps have something like this, something solid like a rock, it makes sense. For an hour the people get what they had always longed for once and that gave Beady Eye.
translated by frjd -
new appointment tonight with Beady Eye Live at the Apollo in Manchester.
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