Episodio II: Le forze leali al comandante Liam si riuniscono nel pianeta Beady Eye e pubblicano un album che ricorda il passato.

While Noel was exiled by the press and focused on his family, the younger Gallagher has remained with the other members of Oasis, the band changed its name (De Bueyes syndrome?), [Ed. probably is a way of saying the English equivalent to our Tiger Eye]
and Monday is for sale Different Gear, Still Speeding , the official debut of the Beady Eye. In
teleconference with us are the little braggart Oasis and drummer Chris Sharrock.
Liam, in an interview you said that you can not find a new name would have continued to be Oasis. Who came as Beady Eye?
Liam: I do. It means nothing, just a fucking name is that it seemed cool.
Chris: As a matter of respect I think it was better to change the name.
The comparisons with Oasis are inevitable, especially when the sound is so similar ...
Chris: We know that this is so, but with time we hope that they focus only on us.
Liam: That they do so well! I do not care cazzo.Facciamo the music that we like and Beady Eye è più vicino al rock classico. Saremo più grandi degli Oasis.
Ti riferisci a John Lennon quando dici questo?
Liam: Ah ah ah, non ci avevo pensato! Guarda, ho sempre detto che gli Oasis sono la più grande band del mondo. Ed è ancora così. Noi non cambiamo, facciamo musica che ci piace.
Di Different Gear, Still Speeding i più critici diranno che è più della solita cosa e i più fanatici diranno che è buono... quasi più del solito. Anche se Noel non c'è più nella band gli altri componenti si sono dati da fare per un buon album, che si mantiene in linea con il sound degli Oasis con leggere variazioni. Bell torna to be a guitar player - the first was with his previous band - along with Gem Archer.
Maintain this training is to continue with the musicians who've played the most in your life without counting Noel. Did you find the template for the shoe?
Liam: Yes, but if nothing had happened we would continue together. Even though Noel had remained, there was no reason to change.
Chris: We have not sought. We were already there.
you feel a band emerging?
Liam: As a new band, I'd say. We are looking for something more rocking, but we can play in a similar way. The truth is that I do not care Fucking. Now we're doing a tour and playing in small places, for the moment. You must walk before we run and play anywhere. We are not looking to the grounds. We have done for years, but were not slow to return.

Liam: We're in South America, no doubt. We'll do those crazy fucking heads!
You have worked with Steve Lilywhite (U2 producer of the early and even Morrissey). That contribution gave the disk?
Chris: It was good to have it. We needed someone with experience. It 's a great guy.
Liam: It was the only option we have taken into account. What is clear, Different Gear ... would be released with or without him. We wanted to work with someone with experience to not have concerns with some idiot who can not do its job. With him we could just focus on playing.
In interviews that have been done have used the word "democratic" to describe the formation process of the album. First it was a tyranny?
Liam: What? This is not a word we use. I hate that word. What the hell does that mean?
Here surely there is some intervention of the cursed journalists. We are happy, and that's it. Ask us always there if we can unite with Noel and return or if we believe that the truth is that I do not care that happens, I do not care that you call me. Now we rocked and much more. I would say that 70% of the songs composed after Oasis and we are better. Oasis are a thing of the past.
The relationship with Noel stays the same?
Liam: There is no relationship. Point.
translated by Maria Grazia - Nicolás Melandri - clarin.com
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