Different Gear, Still Speeding, review for Rolling Stone Beady Eye
Different Gear, Still Speeding
Rolling Stone Italy 3 out of 5 stars
The fratricide is one of the most interesting crimes. No coincidence that the Bible if you play now, not by chance boosts the Roman Empire. The fratricide is the only sensible way out of the situation that arose between the brothers knives Manchester. Why this album is a deliberate affront to Noel, the heresy of a disk of Oasis (four fifths of the last line-up) without him. With songs that are his style, his smell, even his eyebrows. And his minor pentatonic, the crowbar that opened the resistance of the listeners also snobbish and were part of his abrasive personality as the unique voice is the trademark of Liam. Yes, it may be that Andy Bell and Gem Archer, which are co-authors with Liam of all 13 songs, so well have absorbed the lesson of Big Brother to learn to replicate the style of composition (and to be honest, as we may wish well to Noel, we're not talking about Frank Zappa: his rounds guitar are as predictable as the Kinder Pingu). It already would be embarrassing, because both have their own personality, as demonstrated in the last Oasis and flashes even in this debut Beady Eye (see Millionaire Dream and Wind-up, less Noeliane). But do not discard the embezzlement. The same Liam aired theft, but - with counterattack by Mongoose - he said he would have committed Noel, stealing from the last session for the own solo album.
Sorry to belittle these premises with a hard look by the strong, proud to be a truism well executed, that result is a timeless classic rock (even the production of Steve Lillywhite tells us we are in 2011: the songs could be either the 1991 or 2001 ). And it aims to recognize the great live band, with songs that seek the quick-setting and recognition (Three Ring Circus, Standing on the Edge of the Noise or piano boogie Bring the Light, Jerry Lee Lewis and Marc Bolan). But all'imitatio Beatlium we used (the hypnotic repetition of the final crescendo reminiscent of Wigwam Hey Jude, as well as The Roller is intertwined with All Instant Karma piaciona You Need is Love. By contrast, the Beatles and Stones song intitolatob has a base of My Generation by The Who). But between the opening and closing Four Letter Word mineral water with the supernova of The Morning Son, was also opened dell'imitatio Noel.
Paolo Madeddu
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