Liam Gallagher has eyes only for the future and confirms that it has cursed it for a moment the dissolution of the Oasis.

Liam stated:" When I told ourkid (Noel, ed) to go big to get under his bodyguard - and he smashed the guitar and I I smashed her - then I thought, 'is over'. "
" In the past we had fights. I was tired of arguing and not be heard. We were both tired of each other. In life there's more of me, him and Oasis. Obviously we do not agree, so we decided to go separate ways and here we are. "
Gem and Andy say powerless in the face of terrible strife of brothers.
" They were le cose molto privatamente quando si trattava di squarciarsi le gole", dice Gem.
"La cosa esce sempre fuori dalle giuste proporzioni. I bei periodi hanno avuto più peso di quelli brutti. Sono stati grandiosi".
Andy ha aggiunto: "Ho avuto la sensazione che, essendo io amico di entrambi, fosse una cosa che riguardava loro due. Non era compito mio mettermi in mezzo. Era una cosa tra fratelli".
Liam rincara la dose: "Comunque (Noel) si sarebbe sentito dire di andare a fanculo. È una cosa personale, amico. Non riguardava la band, era una cosa tra me e lui".
"Avrei fatto esattamente la stessa cosa se Andy fosse stato in una band con suo fratello. Non sono affari miei".
Andy also spoke about the decision not to play songs by Oasis during the concerts. "We know from the outset that this album will be the basis of our concerts. It's been that way since day one. It does not seem right to play those songs without Noel. It was written by him most of that classic. Oasis were the" .

"It's a damn good band. It's not that we are insisting on a schedule that we play for 10 years. We are playing more or less everything we have. We're not chasing the past, it's time to say, 'Look, here we are . It is a beautiful place to stay '. In our minds there are always songs. We are working on new music with ideas and titles that buzz around us. "
" We just took this thing right now. The more we do, we want to do more, "adds Gem, which explains about the new musical direction:" We wanted to see if there was magic here. "
" We have entered a studio, we wrote a few songs and we thought : 'great sound'. So we have written more, and soon we had six great songs. "
" If we had put there mind, who knows what we'd be doing now. I would be honest enough to be my part, no doubt. You can not invent the magic. Or is there or not there ".
translated by frjd -
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