Intervista ai Beady Eye per una rivista olandese
Oor magazine - Paesi Bassi - febbraio 2011

knows this area pretty well for Oasis had already interviewed in this place, but it was only a chat with Noel Gallagher, the only sitting in the room. Now, we face the full band. Also Oasis, but formally Beady Eye. Oor
spoke with the band at different times.
To our right is the guitarist Gem Archer with her long black jacket. Demonstrates half of his 44 years and looks like a frighteningly Paul McCartney during the Fool on the Hill.
the other side is Andy Bell, bassist of Oasis and now guitarist Beady Eye. It is the first to answer all the questions and those to whom the other band members continue to ask questions.
Chris Sharrock, to the left of Andy ... have not seen in the pub nearby? It is a similar type of Robbie Williams' former drummer, who joined in the Oasis in 2008 after the publication of the last album, Dig Out Your Soul. The world tour should have been his warm-up, ended up being his swan song. Smiles of taste: "The name Golden Earring (Dutch rock band, Ed) had already taken", he says, while others reflect on why they named the band Beady Eye.
And there's an empty chair ...
Sì, manca Liam Gallagher in questo primo giorno che i Beady Eye dedicano alla stampa internazionale. È ammalato, ha l'influenza. Qualcuno del management e tra i tre membri della band ha detto che è "veramente malato". Anche Andy Bell sembra abbia la stessa influenza. Gli concediamo il beneficio del dubbio.

Andy: Difficile dirlo, perché ogni cosa andava già a tutto gas prima ancora che venissimo a saperlo noi. Un litigio come ne abbiamo visti frequentemente tra loro. È stupido. Nasce sempre dal nulla.
Gem: È meglio che non There you meddle, let them settle it. Noel he's just gone. Often it goes away, but this time he slammed the door and after a while 'he wrote on his blog. Although we knew it was something definitive. But I do not know why after this fight. I think it was the straw that broke the camel's back.
Noel left. What have you done that night in Paris?
Chris: We went to make us a drink at the hotel, became a really long night. I felt like I won the lottery and suddenly I lost the ticket. I think I was the most bitterly: "And now?". The others were not so worried, quite bizarre.
Gem: Of course not. In Paris we said: "We will do something else."
Andy: EEH, it was not so easy. I was quite shocked because of all that confusion. But I wonder if I was worried for the future? No, not at that time.

Andy: Yes, three days after we finished the tour in Milan and our wives and children had booked the tickets. They were not reimbursable, as is the case today. So Liam and I went in Italy. After the phone calls we knew one thing for sure: we did not want to stop making music together. The Oasis were over. We had to create something completely new. But we really wanted to continue with each other.
Gem: They were brothers to quarrel, not us. It had to be that the reason why we should stop making music? In an instant smash the band had built all these years? Noel has been set back, was that he had had enough. Liam wanted to continue. The decision comes alone.
Guys, when you started?
Andy: Before you divide the Oasis Gem and I had already done demos in his spare time during the tour. Often with Liam. Many ideas were born there. After the tour we took a little 'free time and we all gathered to see when we started the new program. We decided to start with the program a month later. After a bit 'of beers we thought, Fuck! See you Monday!

When the project became a band?
Gem: It had always been a band, man. Always a band. Although the name came later. We always kept in mind that this was a debut album. It is not a sequel, not a continuation of something. It's new.
Andy: Listen, there are no Noel Oasis. But a team and we felt strong enough to be able to do a project like that. I understand that it will take some 'time before people get used to outsiders. Look at us and see four guys who look very much like the oasis. But for us the feeling is very different depths.
The Beady Eye is more democratic compared to ...
Andy: Yes, when compared to conm'erano Oasis, Beady Eye is a democracy. The hierarchy is completely different.
Gem: Oasis were already structured when we came to us, so in those terms were already in the hierarchy. Noel was always the one making the decisions, he pointed to the road. I almost always agree with him and if anything I did not own a genius he always listened to me. Noel was a great leader to work with.
Andy: It was a superspasso, especially when your song came on an album or Noel and Liam asked you your opinion. Now it is much more normal, we build something instead of going all the bricks.
Gem: If one of us wants something then he does not want anyone. Do you understand? Not è che votiamo e diciamo "3 a 1, quindi lo facciamo". No: o tutti e quattro o non facciamo proprio niente.
Si avverte una sensazione diversa a suonare senza Noel?
Andy: Sì e la risposta è già nella domanda. Noel non c'è. Ha una personalità egemone, non puoi stargli dietro come musicista quando è nella stessa stanza dove ti trovi tu. Senza la sua presenza travolgente la dinamica nella stanza cambia, diventi una band diversa. Questa è la differenza: non è più la stanza, è la nostra stanza. Facciamo quello che facciamo, stiamo attenti alla gente che si trova lì e quella che non c'è.

Gem: I think we know quite well, has not changed much. What strikes me is the amount of interest that now pays for the entire process. I noticed that more and did not care that much was done while the disc. Often there was when Oasis were in the studio. But this was mainly due to the fact that Noel wanted to do everything himself anyway. Now mixing, mastering is, does the artwork and all other details and did not want to be there just to tell her about everything, but because they really care. Also in the ancillary meetings he participates. It has many insights on issues different, but it was overshadowed by the leadership of his brother. The guy had a lot of power. The fact that today is not here mean that I think is missing from the first date that night's concert in Paris.
Two weeks later, just before Christmas, Liam is on the phone. Liam Gallagher, who has just wished him a merry Christmas with his brother via Twitter, we apologize for having missed the appointment with the press. "I was really sick, man", but now he feels much better. He says that now it is snowing in London. At the moment it was published just a song, Bring The Light. And you know the title, Different Gear, Still Speeding . Liam is happy with how è stata accolta la band. "È fantastico. Amsterdam è sold out? Grandioso! Sapevo che avremmo catturato un po' di attenzione, ma non che le cose sarebbero avvenute cosi velocemente. Sembra che alla gente piaccia davvero vederci. E abbiamo appena cominciato! È una bella sensazione. E la cosa che mi fa ancora più piacere è che la band è grandiosa. Le prove stanno andando meravigliosamente. Stiamo mettendo giù qualcosa di veramente degno, non merdate. Sarà eccezionale!".
Nessuna tensione?
Non più, ora che suoniamo da qualche settimana. Non ho mai paura di nulla, ma a volte ti chiedi: "Riesco a pulirmi la testa da tutte le cose che sono divenute un'abitudine?". This is a new band, man, are not Oasis. All the old things had to go away, we had to start from scratch. Fortunately, we felt immediately at ease immediately, the transformation was faster and easier than expected. We've known for a long time and this shows that we all have our heads in the same direction. From the first test session we always looked forward, never back. And we still do.
The new title, guys, it's Different Gear, Still Speeding. It seems an obvious way ...

is lighter than the name Beady Eye, also through you, right?
Yes, I like it. What does this mean? I do not know ... Why do you call a band name? O sounds good or not. Beady Eye is a great name. At the end of 2011, the young people call it. A great name. Within a few months, the people do not know a better one. Our heads will always be associated with Oasis. I did not want to continue as Liam Gallagher & Band. For many people it would be easier, but I wanted to be in a band. And if not then I will continue Oasis with Beady Eye.
What was the first thing you did after the split Oasis?
I was in Paris and I thought it was a pity, because we still had a lot of good music to release. On the other hand I saw the end coming. It had to happen sooner or later.
How did you notice that the end was near?
People no longer worked in the same thing now, every man did his thing, Noel was always what ... Noel used to say that the fault was mine. Hello! All interviews for Oasis the he did, he was always able to control the image that was sent to the outside world. Actually lived his solo career, we saw only on stage. Only for the technical stuff. Oh well, 'we decided to continue, to do something else. Nobody died. I am proud of what Oasis have attained. It is bad that is due to end like this. But what's done is done. And today we are here!
What happened exactly?

would have done or said something different if I had known what were the consequences?
No, nobody knows what happened except the two of us. It is aired on television, only two of us know why it got out of hand. But I've always been honest with myself and I acted according to my feelings and I was really sick. Too bad for the band anyway. He is gone. And now I have a great band.
According to other components of the Beady Eye existed immediately after the accident.
We're back at the hotel, we got a bit 'of beers. Then the mood was like this: think of something else. The end of the Oasis was a matter of fact, we all knew. It was over. When the dust to fly ends we will see what is left and what will continue. We had the songs. I had done some demos of things with Andy and Gem during the tour. Enough prospect for the future. From those beers in Paris, I never looked back.
You always said, "I am the Oasis." What was it like for someone who has lived for 20 years as Oasis be kicked out of the band suddenly?
Hmm, I was able to accept it. Now I tell everyone that Beady Eye is just a name. And I learned that it was the same for Oasis. It's just a name. What really matters is what I do, no matter under what name. I think I did not get left behind with the very end of the Oasis. Only the music, the songs that I sang were written by Noel. She's gone. But I'm still here. With new music, my music. Oasis was an empty shell in which all kinds of people gave their contribution. My contribution was one of those things that ran the Oasis. Now I am lavishing my energies into something else. This is the difference. Oasis are now behind me.
Record Album was different?
Oh yes! I have made merry as hell! The study was under my house around the corner, I could walk. I began at noon and finished at midnight. With Oasis album was already done when I was recording the vocals and the studio was empty. Now we have been working as a band throughout the process, I was not accustomed to doing this. Gem has decided to make the entry an important part in the construction of the track: first the drums, then bass and then the voice. Just as a matter to be treated, not as something to be made later. This is why the sound is much better, the song sounds just like a set. Exactly what I wanted. I finally had to make myself useful durante tutto il processo. È così che mi sono sentito alla fine della giornata, mi sono reso utile.

Be', le B-side per me erano la cosa più importante. Amo le B-side, abbiamo pronte alcune canzoni eccezionali, perché no? E poi ... penso che gli Oasis avessero perso una parte della loro energia originaria nel corso del cammino. La band è diventata sempre più grande. Ogni cosa era scolpita nella pietra. Le aspettative erano altissime, sia che dipendesse da noi sia che dipendesse dal mondo esterno. Le cose SI DOVEVANO fare. Ora ci siamo sbarazzati di questo. Ora dobbiamo solo fare musica. Mettiamo tutto in um mucchio e ne tiriamo fuori della buona musica. È rinfrescante. Ti ringiovanisce, io mi sento più giovane ora che canto queste canzoni. Senza dubbio.
In una canzone come For Anyone ci fai sentire un Liam totalmente diverso rispetto a quello al quale siamo abituati. Il tuo modo di cantare cambia con l'età?
Be' sei più tu che senti questo. A casa canto sempre così, il resto del mondo non lo sente. Nelle mie canzoni canto sempre diversamente da come cantavo con gli Oasis. La gente conosce principalmente la mia voce come Oasis, ecco perché sembra diverso. Ora scrivo in modo più spensierato rispetto a quando ero negli Oasis. Quello è un sound davvero grosso, pesante, in cui devi mettere molta energia per farti sentire. Specialmente dal vivo è un modo di misurarti, cantare e ringhiare. Quando sono per conto mio non ho bisogno di quello, poi posso prestare maggiore attenzione alla mia voce e alla tecnica. Quando siamo sul palco con i Beady Eye metterò una potenza maggiore. Ma su disco mi senti come quando canto a casa.
Ora che il tuo contributo come cantautore è più rilevante che mai, la cosa modifica il modo in cui scrivi?
No, quello non è cambiato. La mia opinione sulla composizione delle canzoni non è cambiata. Se non dovessi più scrivere una canzone non mi importerebbe. Forse il prossimo disco lo scriveranno Only Andy and Gem. But I have songs for the new album ... oh, I write when I write and there is no other possibility. I was in a band for 20 years, if I had not had to create my songs then I would not have paid much attention to this fact. But do not see myself as a writer, the other guys are much better at this. I see myself as a singer and many of my songs on the disc will not matter to me.
You've shown a great composer of songs right from your first song contained in Standing on the Shoulder of Giants.
Be ', do not walk around holding a gun to his head to force people to listen to my songs. Sometimes people tell me, 'Hey, it's a bella canzone, è più bella di quanto pensassi, grazie'. Mi piace, ma ancora devo fare molta strada. Le parole, quella è la cosa più difficile. Mi escono dal culo. Ma non so mai cosa voglio dire.

Sì, amico, va come va. Attorno a te succedono tante di quelle cose che non mi rompo la testa a inventare melodie. Quando mi piace qualcosa, ne faccio qualcosa. La musica trova te, se vogliamo metterla su questo piano. Se la cerchi fallisci.
C'è un umore o una situazione particolare in cui le canzoni trovano te?
Devo stare a casa da solo. Mia moglie fuori, children to school. My guitar looks at me and says, come here. Those are the moments. Jot down the words as I get the time. Finish a song at a time never works for me, I sometimes take months. But little by little I'm learning.
play guitar on stage?
'd rather eat my shit. I hate it when singers do that. And even more so when they do the frontmen. Daltrey, Jagger, even Ashcroft. Never mind the guitar, gentlemen! Go and sing! It sounds stupid, do a better thing if the smash to smithereens!
The disc opens with a Four Letter Word, a song with a text that is striking: "Nothing ever lasts forever" ("Nothing ever lasts forever"). It is a manifesto for a mission?
Perhaps, it makes people think: what is the four-letter word? Is it love? You vagina? Can be anything. I think it's a great opening, a song with balls. Why is the opening track. has something that Oasis had lost: the balls. And with what to replace it? With the ballads. He needed more and more ballads. Disgusting! Take it off from your feet, man! What's better than a grand opening? We are a rock and roll band, I want to make noise, do not sing love songs. Every now and then is fine, but not as something stable. The Beady Eye is 90% rock. It's a higher percentage than they were the Oasis in recent years.
Funny that the song is called Beatles and Stones and Beatles or Stones.
For me there have always been both, both bands are great. Both bands have stood the test of time. Both were able to maintain the popularity and quality. If I have a goal is the same goal. I still listen to both bands today. I wanted to be part of their band, are so great. The other band to which I feel the same feelings are the Who and the Kinks. Ray Davies lives in my area, I run into him occasionally. It is a great type. Much respect for him. I want to be within thirty able to say: I want to be in the Beady Eye. Instead of: Mwahh were OK. That's the point. I'm trying to do something monumental, something that beats the test of time. I do not want to make music of another era, in which case everything would not be worth anything.
What is the song that you put in first place among those of these bands?
Jumping Jack Flash. And with that I wake up and within minutes are up because of him. Every day. Fucking song, man. I love it.
The disc looks like a melting pot of styles and influences. Everyone knows your relationship with the legends of classic British pop. Look influences that we would not expect?
No, man, I am piuttosto semplice. Sessanta e Settanta e basta. E ne sono felice, non mi interessa il resto.

No, nessun interesse. Non riguarda la musica o i testi delle canzoni. Mi lascia freddo. E se c'è qualcosa di buono in giro comunque mi raggiunge. Non vado a caccia di quella cosa. Le band che devo conoscere le conosco, credimi. Ti imbatti in tante band quando sei on the road e ai festival. Con i Beady Eye saremo tra le band più giovani.
E starete bene su questa scena?
Spero di no. Non vogliamo essere una band trendy, siamo una vera band. Mostreremo loro le canzoni trendy. Canzoni, ragazzi! Dove are the fucking songs? There will be real band that I have not heard. But give me the classics. It is enough in the past. Discovering new music is an old band for me.
You sent Christmas greetings to Noel?
Yes, it is the time of year when you are kind to others right?
No other contact?
No, and I was not interested.
Are you curious to know what you think of your disk?
No, we will follow. The other guys see it yet, but it is something that I do not want to hear about. I know it will sound disc Noel. You've already heard it all. Not bad, probably not. But it will be la stessa cosa. Un po' psichedelico, un po' Britpop classico. Dovrà cantare per tutto il disco ... Santo Cielo! Riesci ad ascoltarlo per un'ora? Noel Gallagher porta Noel Gallagher. Io ti porto i Beady Eye. Io sceglierei i secondi ... Capisci cosa intendo?
Tradotto da frjd. Grazie a General Dread di live4ever per la traduzione dall'olandese all'inglese.
Intervista pubblicata dalla rivista Oor nel febbraio 2011.
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